I am receiving an exception error after a submitted maxscript runs on a deadline slave. The error log is as follows
slave initialization beginning.
InfoThread - Created.
purging logs older than 1 days
purging error reports older than 1 days
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching ".*MSP Acceleration.*"
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*VRay authorization.*" by hitting the "Cancel" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*File Load: Units Mismatch.*" by hitting the "Adopt the File's Unit Scale?;OK" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*Frame Rate Change.*" by hitting the "OK" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*MAXScript Auto-load Script Error.*" by hitting the "OK" button
0: INFO: 3ds max plugin for Deadline 2.0.18035, built Mar 8 2006 09:36:34 R
0: INFO: Using "E:\3dsMax8\3dsmax.exe" to render.
0: INFO: LoadMaxTimeout is 1000 seconds
0: INFO: StartJobTimeout is 1000 seconds
0: INFO: ProgressUpdateTimeout is 200000 seconds
0: INFO: FailOnExistingMaxProcess is 0
0: INFO: AlternatePluginIni is ""
0: INFO: Rendering using plugin.ini: E:\3dsMax8\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Starting 3ds max in slave mode
0: INFO: Silent mode is disabled
0: INFO: Strict 3ds max installation check is enabled
0: INFO: 3dsmax command line parameters: " -deadlineSlave -p "C:\DOCUME~1\ken\LOCALS~1\Temp\deadlineplugin_72385109.ini" -q -s "c:\deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax8.max""
0: INFO: Connected to max plugin: Lightning 2.0.18035 Mar 8 2006 09:37:30 R
0: INFO: This is a MAXScript Job.
0: INFO: [filename]
[size] 640x480
[aspect] 1
0: INFO: No camera specified, rendering active viewport
0: INFO: RestartRendererMode is disabled
0: INFO: Frame Buffer is enabled
0: INFO: Padding output file
0: INFO: FailOnBlackFrames is disabled.
0: INFO: Executing script: c:/deadline/slave/plugins/customize.ms
0: STDOUT: Applying customizations to max file...
0: STDOUT: Setting Resolution to 640x480
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1
0: INFO: Executing script: c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/247_FLASH_IMAGES.MS
---- July 27 2007 -- 11:46 AM ----
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - Script did not return success: 0
2007/07/27 11:45:50 INF: Loaded c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/24_7 Corner Tub-1-VRAY-JUST DOORS ALL STYLES-EN_26001CDL@CAB004_6-FLASH_IMAGES.max
2007/07/27 11:45:50 INF: Job: c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/24_7 Corner Tub-1-VRAY-JUST DOORS ALL STYLES-EN_26001CDL@CAB004_6-FLASH_IMAGES.max
Exception Details
RenderPluginException -- Script did not return success: 0
2007/07/27 11:45:50 INF: Loaded c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/24_7 Corner Tub-1-VRAY-JUST DOORS ALL STYLES-EN_26001CDL@CAB004_6-FLASH_IMAGES.max
2007/07/27 11:45:50 INF: Job: c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/24_7 Corner Tub-1-VRAY-JUST DOORS ALL STYLES-EN_26001CDL@CAB004_6-FLASH_IMAGES.max
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.TargetSite: Void RenderTasks(Int32, Int32)
Exception.Source: DeadlinePluginLoader
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTasks(Int32 startTask, Int32 endTask)
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTask(Int32 task)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 frame)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The slave does run the submitted script and completes the task(the work that the script wants), but retuns with the exception. Is there something I need to return from my script to signal success?
Thanks in advance