
I am receiving an exception error after a submitted maxscript runs on a deadline slave. The error log is as follows

slave initialization beginning.
InfoThread - Created.
purging logs older than 1 days
purging error reports older than 1 days
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching ".*MSP Acceleration.*"
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*VRay authorization.*" by hitting the "Cancel" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*File Load: Units Mismatch.*" by hitting the "Adopt the File's Unit Scale?;OK" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*Frame Rate Change.*" by hitting the "OK" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*MAXScript Auto-load Script Error.*" by hitting the "OK" button
0: INFO: 3ds max plugin for Deadline 2.0.18035, built Mar  8 2006 09:36:34 R
0: INFO: Using "E:\3dsMax8\3dsmax.exe" to render.
0: INFO: LoadMaxTimeout is 1000 seconds
0: INFO: StartJobTimeout is 1000 seconds
0: INFO: ProgressUpdateTimeout is 200000 seconds
0: INFO: FailOnExistingMaxProcess is 0
0: INFO: AlternatePluginIni is ""
0: INFO: Rendering using plugin.ini: E:\3dsMax8\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Starting 3ds max in slave mode
0: INFO: Silent mode is disabled
0: INFO: Strict 3ds max installation check is enabled
0: INFO: 3dsmax command line parameters: " -deadlineSlave -p "C:\DOCUME~1\ken\LOCALS~1\Temp\deadlineplugin_72385109.ini" -q -s "c:\deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax8.max""
0: INFO: Connected to max plugin: Lightning 2.0.18035 Mar  8 2006 09:37:30 R
0: INFO: This is a MAXScript Job.
0: INFO: [filename]
[size] 640x480
[aspect] 1
0: INFO: No camera specified, rendering active viewport
0: INFO: RestartRendererMode is disabled
0: INFO: Frame Buffer is enabled
0: INFO: Padding output file
0: INFO: FailOnBlackFrames is disabled.
0: INFO: Executing script: c:/deadline/slave/plugins/
0: STDOUT: Applying customizations to max file...
0: STDOUT: Setting Resolution to 640x480
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1
0: INFO: Executing script: c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/247_FLASH_IMAGES.MS
---- July 27 2007 -- 11:46 AM ----
 Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
 Scheduler Thread - Script did not return success: 0

2007/07/27 11:45:50 INF: Loaded c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/24_7 Corner Tub-1-VRAY-JUST DOORS ALL STYLES-EN_26001CDL@CAB004_6-FLASH_IMAGES.max
2007/07/27 11:45:50 INF:    Job:  c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/24_7 Corner Tub-1-VRAY-JUST DOORS ALL STYLES-EN_26001CDL@CAB004_6-FLASH_IMAGES.max

Exception Details
 RenderPluginException -- Script did not return success: 0
2007/07/27 11:45:50 INF: Loaded c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/24_7 Corner Tub-1-VRAY-JUST DOORS ALL STYLES-EN_26001CDL@CAB004_6-FLASH_IMAGES.max
2007/07/27 11:45:50 INF:    Job:  c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/24_7 Corner Tub-1-VRAY-JUST DOORS ALL STYLES-EN_26001CDL@CAB004_6-FLASH_IMAGES.max
  RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
  Exception.TargetSite: Void RenderTasks(Int32, Int32)
  Exception.Source: DeadlinePluginLoader
   at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTasks(Int32 startTask, Int32 endTask)
   at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTask(Int32 task)
   at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 frame)
   at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


The slave does run the submitted script and completes the task(the work that the script wants), but retuns with the exception. Is there something I need to return from my script to signal success?


Thanks in advance



Hi Ken,

The max scripts submitted to Deadline need to be in a specific format.

This is the template script, which can also be created by clicking the

New Script From Template button under the Scripts tab in the max

submission dialog:


local du = DeadlineUtil --this is the interface exposed by the

Lightning Plug-in which provides communication between Deadline and 3ds Max

if du == undefined do --if the script is not being run on Deadline

(for testing purposes),


struct DeadlineUtilStruct --define a stand-in struct with the

same methods as the Lightning plug-in


fn SetTitle title = ( format “Title: %\n” title ),

fn SetProgress percent = (true),

fn FailRender msg = ( throw msg ),

fn GetJobInfoEntry key = ( undefined ),

fn GetAuxFilename index = ( undefined ),

fn LogMessage msg = ( format “%\n” msg ),

CurrentFrame = ((sliderTime as string) as integer)


du = DeadlineUtilStruct() --create an instance of the stand-in


)–end if

du.SetTitle “MAXScript Job” --set the job title

du.LogMessage “Starting MAXScript Job…” --output a message to the log

local st = timestamp() --get the current system time


du.LogMessage ("Finished MAXScript Job in “+ ((timestamp() -

st)/1000.0) as string + " sec.”) --output the job duration

true --return true if the task has finished successfully, return

false to fail the task.

)–end script

The most important part of the template is the ‘true’ line at the end.

This lets deadline know that the script has exited successfully, and if

it’s not included, that might explain why you’re getting this error message:

RenderPluginException – Script did not return success: 0

Hope this helps!


It works now just by having 'true' as the last line in the script.


thank you