I just bought Krak for C4D, so this may be an embarrassingly simple question: I can render imported Realflow particles no problem. However, I can’t render TFD or X-particle sims. The set-ups seem trivial, but the render is all black in the viewer. I do have a spotlight in the scene.
Any idea what’s wrong? Scenes attached. I"m on a Mac Pro 2014, 64 GB RAM, dual AMD FirePro video boards, OSX 10.9.3.
A thousand blessings on your household! That did the trick. I had to switch off falloff AND crank the light intensity to 10k. I’ll also investigate ara and point lights…
I should have pointed out you can use any type of light you want. I believe Thinkbox has mentioned you will get the best results using spot lights and area lights.
Thanks for the further clarification. Much appreciated. I took the afternoon and read all the documentation. Lots of holes, in my opinion, so I’ll probably be sending more squawks…