Hi, I am using a RenderStacks plugin for 3ds Max which has ability to submit jobs to deadline.
Imagine it as state sets on steroids and it actually works. Now I have a setup with hundreds of passes (scene states) that are stored in a single maxfile. When I submit all the passes a job is created for each one. This means that 3ds Max launches for each job which takes time.
Now I understand there is some knowledge of RenderStacks and Deadline that is missing to solve this but let’s start on theoretical level. Could I submit multiple stills from a single project file as a single deadline job but have each still render as a job’s task? I imagine it as a sequence render.
100 frames gets submitted as a single job but with 100 tasks, each worker only opens the scene once and the workers share the work (frames) between themselves.
Am I thinking correctly? Is there a way to do this? Something like maxscript job maybe?