repositories synchronization best pratice


we are using two different repositories, on two different site.

The license server is common via a vpn, but the repositories are distinct, for latency and bandwidth reasons.

I would like to be able to synchronize some of the repositories options from one repo to the other one : slave settings, repository options, permission groups, monitor layouts …
Groups, pools, limits, users, jobs and stats won’t change.

Note that this is always in the same direction : from the mother ship to the deported site.

What is my best option to accomplish this ?

Ideally I’d like to be able to automate this.



Unfortunately there is no way to sync the information from one Deadline 7 database to another, but the proxy coming in Deadline 8 should help in this kind of situation.

Hello Dwight,

okay, so now my best option is to manually import options for one repository to another ?

I’m going to check the proxy coming up for sure.


Hello Pierre,

That is correct, manually importing settings via the option in the Tools menu from one repo to the other is your best option.

Okay …

Last question : do we need access to the mongo database to perform a repository settings importation ?


Hello Pierre,

Yes, as the settings are stored in the database.

Okay, thank you for your answer