AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

repository doesn't delete old files

we’ve noticed that even that we delete old jobs from the monitor, the jobs stay in the “jobs” folder until the hard drive is getting full.
I’ve tried to run houseclean but it didn’t solve the problem.

What beta version are you running?

Beta 12 (released yesterday) has this in the release notes:

“Fixed a bug in house cleaning where job auxiliary folders wouldn’t get cleaned up properly.”

oops… i’ll will install it and give it a try

i’ve installed the new beta but the problem persist.
i’m deleting finished jobs from the monitor but it doesn’t deleting them from the jobs folder in the repository.

The “House Cleaning” operation will perform the actual deletion which is done randomly by the slaves or Pulse if you have that running. There are now extra settings available to control House Cleaning in a much finer degree, found in “Configure Repository Options” > “House Cleaning” section. However, you can also to test, just login as super-user and under “Tools” > “Perform House Cleaning”. If you have the new “Console” Panel also visible in your monitor before you execute the manual “Perform House Cleaning”, then you will get some nice output/log of what’s going on. If it still doesn’t delete the old job folders, then check your “Job Settings” in “Configure Repository Options” > “Job Settings” > “Cleanup” tab. Assuming these settings are fine, then try “perform house cleaning” again…if it’s still not working, can you post your job settings “cleanup” settings and the console output.

so i checked the box for automatic job cleanup, under job settings. ans set it to 7 days and cleanup mode to delete.
“only cleanup jobs that have not been modified for these many hours” i’ve set to 1, and delete job purging i’ve also set to 1.
now instead of deleting from the jobs folder only the jobs that i’ve deleted from the monitor, it delete all the jobs in jobs folder.
the jobs that appear in the monitor stays there but i can’t requeue them.
did i do something wrong?

If the jobs were completed for more than 7 days and not modified/touched in 1 hour, then it will be deleted as per your settings you have configured.

Can you explain this further? If a job is deleted then it won’t be in the monitor job list anymore? Perhaps some screen-grabs would help put this into better context.

sorry, what i meant is that house clean delete jobs from the jobs folder, but i haven’t deleted them from the monitor.
what i am trying to accomplish is that when i’m deleting a job from the monitor it will also deletes is from the repository job folder. and until i delete it from the monitor it will exist in the repository job folder.

Can you post a screen-grab where a jobID displayed in the monitor hasn’t got a corresponding jobID directory in your “/jobs” directory?

here it is

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