repository history?

Hi there,

Which mongo db collection contains the repository history entries?
I’d like to find a change from a few days, maybe a week ago, but the “View Repository History” display in the monitor only shows about ~4 hours worth of entries…


I think i found it…:

use deadline8db_Config
db.DeadlineSettings.findOne({ “_id” : “history_log”})

Sadly it seems that only a few hours worth of entries are kept, making it impossible to track down who changed a crucial repository setting a few days ago :\

Would it be possible to have 2 separate repository logs, one for repository settings, and one for job manipulations (submissions, archivals, deletions, etc)? I wouldnt really care much about the latter information rolling off after a few hours, but the repository setting manipulations are critical to keep.

Right now the repository history is rather useless, since it only contains a few hours worth of data. This should either go in external rotated logs, or have its own database/collection.

Security auditing is one of the benefits that will come out of the analytics features that we are designing for Deadline, since changes to settings would be recorded out to an analytics datastore.

However, implementation of analytics is still a ways off. So hopefully we can find a shorter-term solution that will do what you need.

We can definitely look at moving these to an external collection, especially now that we’ve made improvements to the UI side.

Might make sense to make use of Mongo’s capped collections here as well, so that we can just control the size of the collection instead of providing an arbitrary cap on the number of docs…

I’ll log a ticket for this.
