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Repository path issue


It’s been a while since I’ve touched Deadline and I’m setting up a deadline repository from scratch. I’m running a Windows Server 2022 virtual machine, I’ve installed the MongoDB, the repository and the RCS client on the virtual machine. I’ve opened the port 4433 for the TLS connection and the port for the MongoDB.

I have installed a client and connected to the repository. Now I’m trying to install the After Effects submitter via the installer. (I know I can install it by copying the file manually, but I’m trying to figure out why it’s not working)

I’m getting this error during installation via the After Effects submitter installer

I have tried to run deadlinecommand -GetRepositoryPath in the console and I get the following back

I’m not sure I understand what is happening? Do you guys have any idea? It is possible I’ve forgotten something extremely obvious during the setup.

Hello @MadsHangaard

The installers write a log in here: Database and Repository Installation (Advanced) — Deadline documentation

Please check that for errors. I think it might be an issue with Window UAC. The easiest way to workaround it is to install manually. Follow here to install manually: After Effects — Deadline documentation

Hi @zainali

Thank you for your quick response.

I couldn’t find the location described in the documentation you sent, but I found logs under %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp

Here is the most recent installbuild_installer_xxxxx.log:

Log started 05/24/2024 at 15:45:12
Preferred installation mode : win32
Trying to init installer in mode win32
Mode win32 successfully initialized
Executing C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin/deadlinecommand.exe -GetRepositoryPath "submission/AfterEffects/Client"
Script exit code: 1

Script output:
 Error: The configured Client Certificate ('T:/02_Software/Installers/Thinkbox/Deadline/') does not exist. (Deadline.Configuration.DeadlineConfigException)

Script stderr:
 Program ended with an error exit code

Error running C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin/deadlinecommand.exe -GetRepositoryPath "submission/AfterEffects/Client": Program ended with an error exit code
Executing C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin/deadlinecommand.exe -GetRepositoryPath "submission/AfterEffects/Client"
Script exit code: 1

Script output:
 Error: The configured Client Certificate ('T:/02_Software/Installers/Thinkbox/Deadline/') does not exist. (Deadline.Configuration.DeadlineConfigException)

Script stderr:
 Program ended with an error exit code

Error running C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin/deadlinecommand.exe -GetRepositoryPath "submission/AfterEffects/Client": Program ended with an error exit code
Deleting registry keys
Exiting with code 1

If I go to the command prompt and run this command, I get this return:

C:\Users\MadsHangaard>"C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin/deadlinecommand.exe" -GetRepositoryPath "submission/AfterEffects/Client"

Thank you for the advice on manually installing it, I will definitely do that if necessary. I just want to see if we can fix this issue.

Alright, I found a solution.

@zainali was right about it being a Windows UAC issue. Running the commandprompt in administrator mode, I got the same certificate error as the installer.

I followed this guide to make sure the elevated UAC has access to the network drives.

And after restarting and running the gpupdate.exe /force command, if I mount a drive on my user, it is also available when running as administrator. Which allows the installer to work, as it is running as administrator.

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