I noticed at least since the upgrade ( R), copying and pasting info from Tasks (and other locations, but I’ll focus on Tasks) has become completely numeric, which then adds another few steps to make it human readable.
For my purposes, the data is being pasted in to Excel.
Task Time
Most humans don’t inherently understand milliseconds, so this information is useless to pass on to a coordinator or producer or artist. I can make a formula in a spreadsheet of course, but why take a feature of Deadline a step backwards?
The worst part is Peak RAM, which is absolutely essential information for rendering.
Peak RAM Usage
It does me little good now. For example, the information I’m trying to organize and analyze in a spreadsheet, correlation between maxing out RAM and time it took to render, this column has just become useless to me.
I need to know how much RAM the machine has total to tell if that has any impact on the task time. A task that says 21.244 GB (67%) and took 15:56 tells me that it isn’t using all of the RAM on the machine. A task that took 956273 and used 22810308608 RAM tells me…that it could have been on a machine that had anywhere from 24GB to infinity GB of RAM, so I still don’t really know, and that’s after either using a calculator or counting the digits to figure out if it’s 2.something or 20something GB.
I understand wanting to standardize the data input in to a spreadsheet, but it’s just backwards to take away the old copy and paste. Obviously, since the interface still says 21.244 GB (67%) instead of 22810308608 you understand this concept.
Sometimes I want to do calculations with the copied and pasted information, but sometimes I just want to quickly copy a few tasks to show a supervisor and not have to take the time to apply a formula to two of the most useful task info columns.
Make a “Human Copy” and “Standardized Copy” if that’s what it takes, but please bring the normal copy back.