Request: Run script on task double-click

Right now, the Monitor lets the user pick between three different predefined actions when a task is double-clicked in the monitor. I think it would be useful to add a fourth option: the ability to run a custom script.

I haven’t really thought through all the possibilities for where/how the script should be specified, but the most straightforward idea would be to let them pick from any of the available Task Scripts defined in the repository.

Hmm… I wonder if it would make sense to extend the script menus dialog to encompass all menus. That would also let users customize their shortcuts. We could then just add “double click” as an optional shortcut to use. Thoughts?

That’s an interesting idea, but the script menus dialog is managing repository-level settings, while this is something I wouldn’t always want to force on people.

Maybe you mean allowing the user to layer their own overrides on top of the repository settings, and just using a consistent interface for it?

Mostly column A, but maybe a little of column B. I’m a big fan of consistency. I’ll have to bounce idea off of some people over here to see where the data should go and what they think of the UI design.

Consistency is nice when it’s appropriate, but I don’t think this is a scenario where enforcing behavior for all users is even a remotely good idea.

To reiterate my first suggestion, I think it would be quite acceptable (and easy to implement) for the user to simply be able to pick from the list of existing task scripts that are enabled for them (based on their user group memberships). This strikes a nice balance between administrative control (“What scripts can this user run?”) and end-user experience (“How do I want my monitor to behave?”).