requeue log - slave manually shut down

It would be great if there was a way to pass some note to the requeue log when doing a ‘manual’ shutdown. We have some mainteance services that sometimes shut down / restart slaves etc., and that would allow us to figure out why a certain frame was actually requeued.

So for example, if we detect a ‘low on ram’ situation or the machine is being restarted to apply some updates, etc we could add that as a note to the shutdown/restart shell command, which would then show up in the requeue log for the frame.

Hey Laszlo,

We have something like this logged on our wishlist already, it just hasn’t found its way onto a roadmap yet.

Are you just wanting an option when using “deadlineslave.exe -s” to pass a message?


Yeah , pretty much!

Something like an optional -logComment parameter for the restart/stop (and other usually log inducing commands) would work perfectly for us

Cool, thanks!