AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Reset Error counter without deleting logs

It would be nice to have a function to reset the error counter on jobs without deleting the logs. Sometimes you want to see if new errors are popping up, but you want to keep the log history for debugging.


Hmm, we could consider this for a future release.

I guess you could write a job right-click script that goes to the database directly and resets the “Errs” property in the job object… :slight_smile:

Although, that wouldn’t reset the error counts on the tasks…

+1 for this request and would like to know even there’s a way to do it manually and how? even if not readily available from the right-click context menu? @Justin_B @zainali

Fractal Picture

Also tagging @karpreet on the above query OR feature request.

Hello @Fractal_Admin

There is no built-in feature available that does reset of Error count on jobs to 0 with out deleting Error reports, but you can try using JobExtraInfo Properties which are defined in repository configuarion. For Instance, you can edit Job panel in Deadline Monitor and hide the actual Error counter column from Job panel, you can use Job Extra Info properties to give a column name related to Error count and set this to 0 initially and have OnJobError event callback that increments the counter of Errors . In summary, hiding the original Error counter column from Monitor Jobs Panel, then using Job Extra Info properties to create a column for Error count and increment / clear error count using OnJobError calback.

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