please respect the ObjectXYZ. I’m wasting time recreating this behavior in a kcm.
I know I sound like an idiot in my writing but I’m running out of time. If a prt volume has object xyz texture, it’s still worldspace and it slides around. I need object xyz space relative to the prt volume icon. This should be basic functionality.
Yes, it should be basic functionality and for a while it was.
I was completely surprised that it does not work in Object space since it used to do only that at some point in the past (unless I was dreaming it). Terribly sorry about the pain, we are looking at what happened.
I tried to add a local KCM with Position ->Mapping 2 and set the procedural map to explicit UVs, Map Channel 2 and it worked well.
But I can understand this is sub-optimal.
Yeah, KCM works fine, it’s just annoying.
If it was Object XYZ only, it would make more sense, as KCM’s work in local space for performance reasons, you have to convert to world in a KCM, but outside the KCM, it’s the reverse… Odd.
It is odd. It has been logged as Defect and will be looked at.
Once again, sorry for the trouble!
Crisis averted. the workaround found. Defect logged. The problem this time was compounded by the fact that I needed my custom plugin texture to be assigned to two objects, one, a custom object plugin had to be ObjectXYZ, and two a prt volume that would fill that object, with matching texture coords. A bug in my object meant I couldn’t assign Explicit to that object without ruining it. and I couldn’t create two copies of the map without serious memory overhead.