AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Restart seems to corrupt database


Running Deadline 6.1.53441 (Beta 9)

I’ve been having repeated problems with my database appearing to get blocked whenever I restart the machine it’s installed on. I’ve attached the logs but effectively it just seems to be saying it can’t connect. Same message whether the firewall is on or off.

Repository and database both installed on an external drive connected to a Mac Mini on OSX Server 2.2.2.

I can resolve the issue by reinstalling the Repository but obviously this is not ideal. When I do this, and the firewall is on, I get no messages with requests to allow access from the firewall.

I assume as no one else appears to be having this issue (I’ve had it for some time across several versions) it must be something to do with my set up but not sure where to start looking?

deadlinelauncher-mfnserver-2013-11-04-0001.log (84.5 KB)

When you restart the machine that the database is on, have you confirmed whether or not the mongod process is running after the restart? This is the main database process, so if it’s not running, that would explain your problem. You can use the Activity Monitor application to check this.

If it’s not running, open up a Terminal on the machine and run this:

sudo load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist

If prompted for your password, type it in and press Enter. If this doesn’t start up mongod, then send us the mongo log, which can be found in the Deadline Database installation folder (ie: /Applications/Thinkbox/DeadlineDatabase6/mongo/data/logs/log.txt).


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan,

Mongod isn’t running on startup and then running the command:

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist

returns that it’s ‘Already loaded’.

Again, ran the first half of the installer (set up database) and mongod popped up in activity monitor and all is working again.

I’m having some issues with our Firewall since a recent update to OSX but this issue has been ongoing for me for sometime before that so be good to know if you can see anything in the logs (attached).

Chris (153 KB)

In my firewall rules I’m allowing access to DeadlineDatabase6/mongo/application/bin/mongod

If I’ve got that path wrong could that be the issue?

I’m not seeing any issues in the logs. Everything looks good there. Your firewall shouldn’t prevent mongod from starting, so I don’t think that’s the case either (especially since it works when you run the installer).

What happens if you unload it first, and then load it?

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist

If that works, then my guess is that something prevents this from working automatically at startup, but the system still thinks that the mongo service is loaded…

After a restart, loading reports that it’s already loaded then unloading and loading again gives no errors or messages in Terminal so I assume that’s working OK. Doing that does seems to get everything working again though.


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