Retask A job Without having to lose current rendering task

Sometimes when we are rendering a job, we notice that we need to change the frames per task, but the problem is that we have to wait until the current tasks are done to be able to change the frames per task(because we don’t want to lose the current progress).Now we could create a clone of the job and change the frames per task then pause all the previous task and let it switch to the new cloned job but its not practical.
So it would be a nice feature to be able to resend the current job without having to lose the current progress, automatically changing only the “frames per task” of the tasks that weren’t render and not the whole job.
And if the duplicate job is going to be add, it would be good but it wont pause the tasks that didn’t render(don’t remember if the duplicate uses to cancel the job being duplicated), so forcing us to have to do it manually for the unrendered tasks (I know there is the possibility to change the priority of the duplicate job to higher than the original those letting it switch automatically but it’s not practical).

I mention here how tasks are considered to be single entities:

It seems like the core issue here is using chunked tasks in the first place. By using the MayaBatch plugin for rendering, you should be able to reduce your chunk sizes to 1 frame per task, and these issues won’t really be a problem anymore.

We can probably look at refactoring our task system in the future to allow for things like non-uniformly chunked tasks, or not requiring sequential frame ranges for tasks, but it’s something that would have to wait until after the 6.x cycle.


  • Ryan