Returned Non-Zero

Is there a list of error codes that we can reference somewhere online?
And it’s slightly difficult to search for them in this forum. I cannot search for a error number. I’ve got to weed through the other “Returned non-zero”… also I cannot search (non) “-zero” because it will minus the “zero” from my search… (i think?)

In our online documentation, under each Plugin name, there is an Error Messages link that tries to explain common errors: … ntents.php

If you’re getting an error that you’re unsure of, sometimes googling the error message helps. In the majority of cases, the error message being returned is straight from the rendering software, and it’s possible that other people have had the same problem outside of Deadline.

Of course, you can always post the error you’re getting here and we’ll take a look.


  • Ryan

Great, thanks,

In this particular instance I’m getting this one.
Renderer returned non-zero error code 1073741845

here’s the full error message:
Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): Error in CheckExitCode(): Renderer returned non-zero error code 1073741845. Check the renderer’s output. (FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcessAbort) (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)

This error code is likely representing a crash. Which software are you rendering with? Also, can you post a full render log? There might be something in the log that would indicate why the render is crashing.


  • Ryan

Yes, you were right, looks like it terminated badly.
Seems as though it was due to the system running out of memory. I don’t know why this would happen though. These blades should have more than enough memory to render the shot that’s been put up on the farm.

How exactly does the deadline batch plugin work? What does it keep in memory between tasks? Does it ever free up memory that’s not necessary to run the next task? When does it free up all of the system’s memory?

I’m assuming the batch plugin you’re referring to is the MayaBatch plugin? This plugin keeps Maya running with the scene loaded in memory between tasks, to reduce the overhead of having to restart and load the scene for each task (which is what the MayaCmd plugin does). Melscript commands are piped to Maya to perform the render, and from looking over the available mel commands, there doesn’t appear to be a command to explicitly free up memory. When the machine finishes its current job and moves on, Maya exits and thus everything gets cleaned up.

Have you tried disabling the MayaBatch option when submitting the job to test it against the MayaCmd plugin? This will ensure that everything is cleaned up between tasks. Of course, the extra overhead of starting Maya and loading the scene for each task will add to the render time slightly.


  • Ryan