RHEL5 and Krakatoa

Hi, we’re trying to get Krakatoa SR to run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL5) without luck. When I run it under RHEL6 it works great, but under RHEL5 I get this error:

ImportError: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11’ not found (required by /studio/peabody/shdw_fx/prod/sqfx/stt_ideas/fx/fx_tt/plugins/krakatoa/KrakatoaSR.so)

I spoke with someone in Systems who said “It looks like the vendor would need to rebuild it for GLIBC 2.5 to work.” Would it be possible to get a build for that version? Thank you.

That is odd, I would expect it to work. It is possible that you have downloaded the Ubuntu build, instead of the CentOS build? Can you confirm that the CentOS build does not work on your RHEL5 setup?

If that is not the case, I shall try to reproduce the error here.

Indeed, the Centos build did work. Thanks for you help.