RPM Custom Submiot

When I run RP Manager the first time and it runs the deadline custom submit script it errors out. When I shut down RP Manager after the error and relaunch RPManager then Deadline custom script works. How do we get the script to not error out on the first attempt? I’ve attached the error message.

3ds Max Design 2015
RPM 6.047

Austin Reed

Did you update your RPM integration script to the one shipping with Deadline 7.1.1?
There was a bug in the original 7.1 release which was fixed in 7.1.1:

docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … 7-1-1.html


I placed the new Deadline3dsMaxRPMClient.ms dated 5/28/2015 that came in the 7.1.1 update into C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2015\scripts\RPManager\Deadline7 and pointed RPManger to run that script. I also reran the 3dsMax submission installer that came with 7.1.1.

Austin Reed

Something did not work right when you performed the update - the error you described is exactly what people were getting with the previous version of the script.

Can you do a search for Deadline3dsMaxRPMClient.ms on your C: drive and make sure there is only one file in only the one folder?

FYI, the error itself is not being thrown by SMTD (there is no scrollpos anywhere in our scripts), but by RPM itself. The error seems to imply that a rollout RPM is looking for to position within the UI is not defined properly. In the buggy version, the rollout names were incorrectly renamed from Deadline6* to Deadline7*, e.g. Deadline6Rollout became Deadline7Rollout, but RPM itself does not know about 7, its internal code is still based on 6 naming conventions…

Can you check the Deadline3dsMaxRPMClient.ms you have actually contains code that looks like

[code]struct RPMDeadline6DataStruct
– make the rollout(s) visible externally
UpdatingDeadlineUI = false,
DebugPrint = false – if you remove this, check for it below as many functions use it.



I left work for the weekend, but will look further into it on Monday morning. Thanks again for your help!

Austin Reed


I checked the code and it does contain the code you mentioned. I’ve attached a screen shot.


Austin Reed

Thanks for the screenshot, this is not the latest version of the script though.
I have attached the latest versions 1.2 of the script which Grant Adam passed to us before we released the latest Deadline update.
See if replacing your script file with this one will solve the problem…


The script you sent still says 1.1 or was that comment line not updated?

Austin Reed

Can you try this one? This is the file in my own Repository and has version 1.2:
Deadline3dsMaxRPMClient.zip (5.5 KB)


So if I load a scene that already has RP Manager data it doesn’t error out on me. If I launch 3ds Max and from the blank scene Max loads and run RP Manager it errors out on me the first time and doesn’t allow me to submit. When I relaunch RPManager and submit it, it submits fine but throws this exception. This looks like it might be an error on Grant’s side so I will follow up with him.

Austin Reed

Hi Austin,

At this point all I can do is refer you to Grant Adam, the developer of RPM. I have no insight into his code and no way to debug what you are seeing.
Please email
rpmanager AT rpmanager DOT com
and send a link to this thread.

Also, make sure to include the version number of your RPM, as this might be important…


This build

rpmanager.com/installers/RPM … _6.049.exe

should sort out the ‘updaterollouts’ argument count mismatch.

Not sure what the scrollpos on open error is about though.
