Rules on using the Beta publicly?

Hi all,

I was thinking of testing Krakatoa out on a more practical example, namely the CGTalk FX Wars challenge:

What are the general rules about displaying work generated with the renderer? Is there anything you would like me to say/not say when showing examples, and more to the point can I actually SHOW examples (such as Bobo has in the max forum).

Since this a closed beta of sorts, i'm not clear on the finer points of the publicity. :)

Martin Brennand

This is a direct quote from the thread:


What’s the story on telling people about Krak? …

We did not make any non-disclosure agreements for this beta program, so even

though we have limited access, it is still a “public” beta.

We ask that any published images at least credit “Frantic Software” and

“Krakatoa beta”. You can discuss the product with colleagues provided that

you acknowledge the software is still in beta, and likely to change somewhat

prior to release. We aren’t ready to handle a huge flood of new beta tester

requests, but we would be happy to get some industry buzz circulating about

the product. We hope to release the software within a month or so, but have

not set a final date. I’d love to have some people waiting in line when we

officially release.

(Heck, this thing may be more popular than the PS3!! At the very least, it

will be easier to get and might even cost less!)



Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

Thanks for that. :)
Martin Brennand

i created my self an overlay with the little krakatoa vulcano and the frantic logo. i´ll add that in postpro to every test render.

kind regards
