I setup two linux machines as master and worker node. I am using following commands to start required tools.
Master: Start rcs and website
./deadlinelauncher -nogui -rcs -webservice
Worker: Start worker
./deadlineworker -name "Worker1" -nogui
I cannot find any documentation about how to start this command in background and keep them running forever? Is there any tag for this command?
Thank you!
Let the Launcher take care of keeping everything running, and let the operating system’s service system keep the Launcher running.
To do that, you’d install the client as a service.
To keep applications running there’s a couple different ways. To keep the Worker running check off ‘Launch Worker When Launcher Starts’ if you’re installing with the UI. If you’re not using the UI to install the client, check this list of flags to run the installer from a CLI.
To keep the web service and RCS running, there are some flags to be sure you’ve set in the client configuration.
Keeping Web Service started and running:
Keeping Remote Connection Server started and running:
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Thanks for your response Justin!
So, after installing client and setting up config as mentioned above, do I still have to start deadline manually with command or it will automatically start?
The daemon should start the Launcher automatically (and keep it running). It’ll be just like any other Linux service.
Does not work.
- Install client with flag --launcherdaemon true
- Update config file(deadline.ini)
rcs and web service does not start itself in background.
If you run ps -aux | grep dead
do you see the deadlinelauncher service running? If you don’t, try restarting the service (which can differ per OS, so I’ll avoid sharing possibly incorrect commands here).
If you do, then either the Launcher is failing to start the extra applications, or the extra applications are failing to launch after being started.
To that end we’ll need to look at the application logs. They’ll be named with the name of the application, followed by the hostname, followed by the date the log was written, then a number. As the application is repeatedly launched the number will go up.
The logs will be on the machine in /var/log/Thinkbox/Deadline10.
For the Launcher we’re looking for files starting with deadlinelauncher.
For the Web Servicer we’re looking for deadlinewebservice.
For the Remote Connection Server we’re looking for deadlinercs.