I’m running an advanced type plugin on CentOS slaves (deadline
RunManagedProcess fails with following error :
WindowsError: [Errno 22] ApplicationName=’/Apps/Maya/linux64/2011_SAP/bin/Render’, CommandLine=’ -r file -mr:art -s 495 -e 504 -proj //hal/Projects/SomeProj/Maya //hal/Projects/SomeProj/Maya/scenes/someScene.mb’, CurrentDirectory=’//hal/Projects/SomeProj/Maya/scenes’
Construction of PluginProcess object and execution of RunManagedProcess() is enclosed in try/except block if that is relevant information.
proc= mfMaya3PluginProcess()
if(IsRunningOnWindows()):proc.cmdline= SearchPath( “render.exe” )
else:proc.cmdline= SearchPath( “Render” )
proc.parline= mayaCmdParameters
proc.startupdirectory= os.path.dirname(self.mayaSceneFile)
LogInfo("Render " + mayaCmdParameters)
except Exception:
LogInfo("Exception in mf_RenderTasks - RunManagedProcess()")
errStr = traceback.format_exc()
LogInfo( errStr )
The failure comes from time to time, but when it comes it happens on all rendernodes at once and I have to reboot them.
The non-standard thing I am doing is setting environment variables on per-job basis (and that includes PATH), but it seems to be OK.
What is WindowsError: [Errno 22] ?
Any thoughts on that ?