Running slave as a different username

Hi !

Okay i got a situation and trying to get the best of if.

So here it goes.

I got my render farm, couple of powerful node, but i still have some license of available. Because license cost around 1500$, i want to make the best of it.So i want to use the studio’s computer.

We need to be logged as a user (let’s call him Jacky) to be able to write. But nobody except the node can be logged as Jacky because it have access to all of our plates, and render.

Now i want that employee of the studio (let’s call them bob) to be able the night, to lunch deadline slave from their computer, but their user can’t have access to our nas.

Have you seen this pipeline issue before ?

Thanks :slight_smile:!


Hi Fred,

To confirm, it sounds like you want to schedule the slave to run as different users at different times on the same machine. If this is what you want to do, you can probably use Windows’ Task Scheduler to set this up. You can trigger a task to start up at a certain time and close it at another time, and you can have the task launch an application (the Slave) as a specific user account. … ule-a-task


  • Ryan

No that wasnt’t my issue but thanks !

My problem was the username that the computers a logged on dosen’t have the right to write on our nas. I ask a ti and he will do a batch file that will start deadline slave as another user :wink:

Have a good day !,
