Is there a way to leave a "message" for every slave. I often need to change one setting on all the slaves, like a registry key or an ini file on every machine. But I want the change to only happen once per slave.
Any ideas? I want it to be like a message queue so the powered-off machines get it on startup.
There isn’t a way to do this in Deadline yet, but we’ve been throwing
around the idea of a special job mode that would ensure the job (or a
task from the job) is rendered once by every machine in the farm. It
would keep an ongoing list of slaves that rendered it previously, so any
slave that is not on the list will render the job, then add itself to
the list when complete.
We havn’t started development on such a feature, and we probably won’t
for a little while while we work on porting Deadline, but we have added
it to the wish list and will more than likely implement it sometime
after we finish porting Deadline.
I'm tempted to use MSMQ for this type of operation.
I also thought about Configurator.exe, but it doesn't have custom commands. And it only works on the machines it finds.
I often use .bat file to run script once on selected machines.
I create a .bat, put it on the server.
Then in Deadline i choose the machines I want the script ot run on, select exec command from the right-click menu and browse to my .bat.
Ryan, A simple way to acheive this could be to have file that is sourced everytime a slave start, the content of this file is executed.
The user could put any vbs or .bat script that will be executed. If this script is clever and is checking a version you can update anything on your computer via those script simply by starting the slave.
This is similar to the userSetup.mel in Maya. In my userSetup.mel I call my onMayaStartup.mel script. This script is checking the local version of my maya setup and update if required. I have a file on the network that state the current version, simply changing the version number in that file and restarting Maya on all machine will triger the update.
Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision
The trick is coming up with something elegant enough that it handles both machines that are on, immediately, and also runs at startup.
The second issue is if the change should be done in user mode or as system. Some registry keys are stored in HKEY/LOCAL_MACHINE so only the system or admin can change them. Since deadline is currently running in usermode this isn't going to work. And other keys are stored in HKEY/CURRENT_USER. Since the system doesn't know which user is going to log in it would have to iterate through all of the existing HKEY/USERS. Or let the logon script handle this.
And that just covers the registry.
But maybe I'm just whining about nothing....
I've actually conquered all these problems for a very specific task in the past. I just need to make it more generic so I can do it for trivial updates. But in the mean time I was hoping something better would be possible either through deadline or something.
Cheers all.