No ideas yet. Does it go away if you open the plugin.ini and add ; in front of the Krakatoa entry? If starting after that solves the problem, the issue is the Krakatoa DLL. Otherwise not. We also add a path to Helium for the MagmaFlow editor, Krakatoa won’t start without it, but if it is Helium-related, then it is a question for Kees/Lumonix.
What part of the splash screen sequence does this happen at? Is it possible to see what it is loading when it says that?
Putting the ; in front of Krakatoa caused the problem to go away. So I guess it’s krakatoa.
It doesn’t happen on all machines. Is there any way of knowing what update\version of windows we should be using? I can only assume these machines have different windows updates on them.
We are seeing this on some of our machines as well, but only in Max 2010 32bit. Can you confirm that it works as expected for other platforms/releases. We currently do not know why this is the case.
Ok, I’m still not clear on which version of Max you are seeing this for. At our location we only seem to get this error when running Max2010 32bit, and only on a handful of machines. Are you seeing this problem with Max2010 64bit?
We see the same results. (We only have 2 64 bit copies of max running and we don’t get the error there.) We only see it on max 2010 32 bit on a handful of machines. Our farm is running XP64, but the max version only runs in 32bit mode.
Thanks for the information. I had been giving our IT department a hard time because I thought it was just our machines. At least now I know that build of Krakatoa is the real culprit.