Sanity Check Countdown...

It would be nice if when the Sanity Checker displayed warning messages if it had a countdown from say 3 - 1 so that you could stop the submission, but the submission would send with warning messages if the user did nothing…

Is a countdown necessary? When you have the option enabled to run the sanity checker at submission time, it should run it and display any warnings, and then would only continue with the submission if the user hits OK. I would think this would be preferential to giving the user a few seconds to respond…

Maybe I’m missing something. :slight_smile:

I think it’s more common with warning messages to just want to ignore them, we have a few in place which pop up a fair bit but don’t require any action, but occasionally one will pop up which requires a change, so I’d be more in favor of having the option to cut out of the submission rather than having to click OK each time.