saving multiple pflows

I was wondering if there was a way to do this…

Currently when if you have multiple pflows with separate events and you set xmesh to "save each object to individual mesh in World Space " it treats each event as a separate object and saves them to diffrent xmesh sequences. Where as if you were to do it one by one it would save it to one xmesh. Is there a way to save multiple pflows as one xmesh sequence per flow?


Not at the moment. Will look into this.
XMesh Saver only saves Events, the ability to save whole systems is implemented at UI (scripting) level - all events belonging to a system are collected and saved out as one. I guess in the case you specified, selecting “INDIVIDUAL MESH” mode should create one XMesh sequence for every system, not for every event.
Let’s consider it a bug… :slight_smile:

thanks for the info. I will just stick to doing it manually for now. :slight_smile: