Saving to Realflow .bin with culling enabled errors out

Hey there,

i am doing lots and lots of rounds of saving out, loading back in, tweaking, resaving etc as i got a pretty weird setup.
Anyways, i need to write out the final version that is loaded via a PRT loader as a realflow bin sequence. In a last
step i am culling against a geometry to remove a bunch of “shooting out” particles.

Works fine to prt, errors out when saving to .bin with:

“realflow_bin_particle_ostram: Did not write the expected number of particles to file “”. Wrote: 2972 instead of -1 particles.”

If i turn off the culling it works fine it seems.

As a sidenote are errors logged somehwhere ? or would it be possible to output critical errors to the listener also so it’s easier to report them here ?


Hey Thorsten,

There is a Krakatoa log window, that you can open through the Preferences rollout in the Krakatoa GUI (There is also a handy macroscript for making a tollbar button that does this). I don’t think it currently gets errors that are out of pop-up windows though. I can definitely see the value in that so I’ll put it on my list of things TODO.

I’ll check out your BIN issue ASAP. It sounds like something that could happen, and a temporary work-around might be to save to a PRT file, then make a new PRT Loader with just that file, no culling, which then gets saved into a BIN file. That will avoid the -1 particles error.

Thanks darcy. Figured the PRT workaround might work but didnt manage to try yet. Just thought i’d pop it up right away as you guys are so close after 1.5 public release.

BTW i saw very little marketing around (as in announcements, presskits, forum spreading etc) is that on purpose ?


This was fixed in build 37520.
Please download and try it out to see if it work as expected now.