Scale to Radius

Happy 4th of july!

question: want to get my scale from pflow to frost, so i saved PRT with the scale channel, but the radius channel from frost says nothing is found, so i tried to kreate a KCM on the prt loader
Scale --> Radius

but still nothing found

i looked in the tutorials as well

what is the solution for this?


ok i think i figured it out

did scale to componentSum - feeding radius

seems to work

It sounds like you found a reasonable workaround. Here’s a little more information for anyone else who runs into the same problem.

Unfortunately, as you have found, Frost handles the Radius differently for Krakatoa and Particle Flow sources.

If you get the particles from Krakatoa, Frost uses the Radius channel. The Radius channel is a single Float for each particle.

If you get the particles from Particle Flow, the radius is based on the Size channel (called Scale internally in Particle Flow; inaccessible in Krakatoa), and the size of the particle’s mesh if applicable. The size of the particle’s mesh is based on the Scale channel (called ScaleXYZ internally in Particle Flow; called Scale in Krakatoa). Since Scale is the only thing you can access through Krakatoa, you’ll want to keep the Size fixed, and control the Scale as desired. Note that Frost uses the maximum of the X Y and Z components of the Scale.

In this case you are loading Particle Flow particles using Krakatoa. You need to move the Scale channel (3 Floats) into the Radius channel (1 Float) using a KCM. You can do this using the ToScalar or ComponentSum operator. You may also need to multiply the Radius by some Float to match the original size.