Rendering with 16k frames in AfterEffects causes some errors. Output-Files are generated, but have a file size of 0.
Is there a chance you could implement something like “Scan for Failed Output” to search, delete and requeue 0 byte files (Similar to Scan for Missing Output)?
And such a scan job be part of the AfterEffects Submit Script?
Was this ever implemented (this thread is from 10 years ago)? I have the exact same problem right now with AE renders, but still so see no feature in Deadline designed to deal with it, especially due to AE’s “Skip existing files” setting, which means the 0kb files must constantly be deleted manually before they can be resubmitted.
Smedge and other render managers have features exactly as described – a user-set threshold for file output size can be set and any frames not meeting it are automatically requeued…
Minimum Output File Size: If an output image’s file size is less than what’s specified (in Kb), the task is re-queued (specify 0 for no limit) and the file is deleted.
NOTE: this feature is only available via the AE in-app submitter as we can only query what the output paths are within AE scripting environment and don’t have access to this info when external to AE in the monitor submitter. This would be a limitation for all render managers, unless you want to submit by first exporting to *.aepx file format so we can parse the xml, but that seems totally pointless, adding more steps to your workflow for little gain.