Scripting an option in "configure slave scheduling"

Hello, first post, please bear with me. I am having trouble configuring the slave scheduling to our exact situation. I manage the render farm for a university, and most of our render nodes are also workstations.

For classrooms, the render nodes are set to not render during class time, with idle detection disabled, this works wonderfully. However, my problem is with the general work lab, where students come to work. These stations are not used all the time, so idle detection is used to utilize idle computers. However there is a block of time during the night we want to disable rendering to make time for maintenance updates for software and security.

With idle detection on, the behavior I have observed is that when I have the slave scheduling Stop Time set to say, 1 am, the idle detection will start the slave again in 15 minutes, the amount of time that idle detection is to.

My, maybe ill-informed, solution would be to create a script/process that would turn on idle detection in the morning, and turn it off at night. I’m just wondering if this is possible to access this dialogue through script. I’ve looked at the documentation and the forum, but nothing seems to be what I am looking for.

Is this the best solution? Admittedly I’m pretty new to Deadline and scripting as well, so please pardon if I’m using jargon incorrectly.

Thank you for your time!

Idle detection and scheduling is handled via Deadline Launcher. If it’s not running it will not start the Slave. So, for maintenance just include that as part of the process. The easy way to stop it is to run “deadlinelauncher -shutdown”.

Perfect! Much more effective than my “solution.” thank you!