Scripting: Get scene file on post-script

Hi !

I’m reading the docs regarding post scripting,
I’ve found this page: … ripts.html

What I would like to do is move the scene file somewhere so I would need the path of the scene file deadline used for rendering.
Do you have a list of what arguments are passed to the main function, and what’s args[0].GetJobs() gives as accessible data?


ok got it … 165db33806

def main( *args ):
deadlinePlugin = args[0]
job = deadlinePlugin.GetJob()
sceneFile = job.GetJobPluginInfoKeyValue(‘SceneFile’)

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Great to see you got to the solution on this. Let us know if you have any other scripting questions.

Thank you so much! i couldn’t find this on the current documentation and the link psoted before is dead.

Here’s the updated link: Deadline Scripting Reference: Deadline.Jobs.Job Class Reference