AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

scripts and such broke after update to .44

Somehow all scripts i’ve been using to extract information from deadline are broken since the .44 update.
I haven’t had time to go through it all and figure it out myself,

but are there any pointers to what have changed in naming conventions?

It applies to a regex function that is applied to the pulse:8080/api/slaves?Name=*** webservice scripts
and to a python script that collects info of the slaves and jobs.

as i’m new to this kind of things… can it be expected that with each update scripts etc will break due to name changes?

thanks :slight_smile:

There wasn’t any intentional changes made that would break things, so if you could provide the following, we can investigate further:

  • Which beta version did you upgrade from?
  • Can you post the scripts that are no longer working properly?
  • Can you explain how they’re broken (ie: are you getting an error now, are the results you get back different than they were before, etc)?

If you can provide your scripts, we can try to reproduce here and figure out what’s wrong.


ok, I have found what it was (was running the .22 beta)

The phython scripts I messed up myself (sorry about that)
I added a new slave while I updated deadline and forgot to enter some info at the extra info slots that are required for the script to function (it has an overclock GHz multiplier in the extra info slots)

And I think the pulse:8080/api/slaves?Name=****&Data=info has more curly brackets { } than in the .22 beta.

Previously I could capture the whole page by using this regex expression:


now I have to end with }] instead of only }


So not a big deal, but was shortly confused :slight_smile:


Great! Glad to hear you were able to sort it out.


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