send many jobs from one max scene to deadline

please help me with my problem.
i have one max scene and many cameras in it, for example, 50. each camera have its own frame range. i wat to send every job which render each camera and its specific frame range to deadline, s i need to create 50 jobs from one scene with all 50 cameras automatically. How can i do this - i think using maxscript, write smth to submitToDeadline maxscipt file?
thank you !

You could in theory write a simpler script that puts all cameras as entries in the Max Batch Render dialog, then submit all jobs using the Batch tab of the Submit Max To Deadline script we provide. Of course, you could create the Batch entries by hand, shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.

The alternative would be to write your own submitter which is not impossible but probably too much work for what you want.