Hi Edwin,
I’ve gone through the sample Event Plugins, and actually got it to fire an event now, which is progress on my side, but still not actually doing it correctly.
I used the DraftEventPlugin.py as a base as you suggested, edited the parameters I wanted for the output file (as the extrainfokeyvalue doesn’t get sent with the TileAssembly job from a custom 3dsmax submission), and setup an event to run when the DraftTileAssembler plugin had completed.
My event script is below. In the console it shows as firing the event when the DTA is complete, and gives me the status output as submitting 2 jobs for Draft (The RGB and Alpha), but then doesn’t actually add the new Draft job onto Deadline.
from System.Diagnostics import *
from System.IO import *
from System import TimeSpan
from Deadline.Events import *
from Deadline.Scripting import *
import sys
import os
import traceback
import re
import subprocess
import shlex
import collections
import Deadline.Events
def GetDeadlineEventListener():
return EventScriptListener()
def CleanupDeadlineEventListener(eventListener):
class EventScriptListener(Deadline.Events.DeadlineEventListener):
def __init__(self):
self.OnJobFinishedCallback += self.OnJobFinished
#member variables
self.OutputPathCollection = {}
self.DraftSuffixDict = {}
def Cleanup( self ):
del self.OnJobFinishedCallback
def CreateDraftJob( self, draftScript, job, jobTag, outputIndex=0, outFileNameOverride=None, draftArgs=None, mode=None, quickDraftFormat=None, dependencies=None ):
if draftArgs is None:
draftArgs = []
#Grab the draf-related job settings
outputFilenames = job.JobOutputFileNames
if len( outputFilenames ) == 0:
raise Exception( "ERROR: Could not find a full output path in Job properties; No Draft job will be created." )
elif len( outputFilenames ) <= outputIndex:
raise Exception( "ERROR: Output Index out of range for given Job; No Draft job will be created." )
outputDirectories = job.JobOutputDirectories
jobOutputFile = outputFilenames[outputIndex]
jobOutputDir = outputDirectories[outputIndex]
inputFrameList = ""
frames = []
frameRangeOverride = job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "FrameRangeOverride" )
if not frameRangeOverride == "":
inputFrameList = frameRangeOverride
frames = FrameUtils.Parse( inputFrameList )
#Grab the Frame Offset (if applicable)
frameOffset = 0
strFrameOffset = job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "OutputFrameOffset{0}".format( outputIndex ) )
if strFrameOffset:
frameOffset = int( strFrameOffset )
#calculate our frame list
if frameOffset != 0:
ClientUtils.LogText( "Applying Frame Offset of %s to Frame List..." % frameOffset )
for frame in job.Frames:
frames.append( frame + frameOffset )
inputFrameList = FrameUtils.ToFrameString( frames )
#Grab the submission-related plugin settings
relativeFolder = self.GetConfigEntryWithDefault( "OutputFolder", "Draft" )
draftGroup = self.GetConfigEntryWithDefault( "DraftGroup", "" ).strip()
draftPool = self.GetConfigEntryWithDefault( "DraftPool", "" ).strip()
draftLimit = self.GetConfigEntryWithDefault( "DraftLimit", "" ).strip()
draftPriorityOffset = self.GetIntegerConfigEntryWithDefault( "PriorityOffset", 0 )
if not draftGroup:
draftGroup = job.Group
if not draftPool:
draftPool = job.Pool
#TODO: Handle custom max priority?
draftPriority = max(0, min(100, job.Priority + draftPriorityOffset))
draftOutputFolder = Path.Combine( jobOutputDir, relativeFolder )
draftOutputFolder = RepositoryUtils.CheckPathMapping( draftOutputFolder, True )
draftOutputFolder = PathUtils.ToPlatformIndependentPath( draftOutputFolder )
if not Directory.Exists( draftOutputFolder ):
ClientUtils.LogText( "Creating output directory '%s'..." % draftOutputFolder )
Directory.CreateDirectory( draftOutputFolder )
#Check if we have a name override or a Quick Draft job, else pull from Job
if outFileNameOverride:
draftOutputFile = outFileNameOverride
elif quickDraftFormat:
jobOutputFile = re.sub( "\?", "#", Path.GetFileName( jobOutputFile ) )
draftOutputFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( jobOutputFile )
if( quickDraftFormat["isMovie"] ):
draftOutputFile = draftOutputFile.replace( "#", "" ).rstrip( "_-. " )
draftOutputFile += "." + quickDraftFormat["extension"]
jobOutputFile = re.sub( "\?", "#", Path.GetFileName( jobOutputFile ) )
draftOutputFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( jobOutputFile ).replace( "#", "" ).rstrip( "_-. " )
draftOutputFile += ".mov"
if quickDraftFormat:
distributedEncoding = quickDraftFormat["isMovie"] and quickDraftFormat["isDistributed"]
distributedEncoding = False
#Handle draft output files that will override each other
#For example: If there are two Draft jobs being created, one from input /path/myfile.png, and one from /path/myfile.jpg, the draft outputs will both be named /path/myfile.mov, and will overwrite each other.
#We are appending a _2, _3, etc. to the end of the filenames in these cases. This isn't a pretty solution, but it's functional. We may want to rethink this in the future.
addSuffix = False
draftSuffixCount = 0
filePathKey = os.path.abspath(draftOutputFolder)+"/"+draftOutputFile
if filePathKey in self.OutputPathCollection:
addSuffix = True
#Get the suffix value for the current output file
draftSuffixCount = int(self.DraftSuffixDict[filePathKey])+1
if not distributedEncoding:
#Increment the suffix value for the fileName e.g from 'lol_2.mov' to 'lol_3.mov'
self.DraftSuffixDict[filePathKey] = int(self.DraftSuffixDict[filePathKey])+1
if not distributedEncoding:
self.OutputPathCollection[filePathKey] = 1
self.DraftSuffixDict[filePathKey] = 1
draftOutput = Path.Combine( draftOutputFolder, draftOutputFile )
#Add suffix to draft output to prevent files overriding each other
if (addSuffix and draftSuffixCount > 1) and (not outFileNameOverride):
draftOutput = os.path.splitext(draftOutput)[0]+"_"+ str(draftSuffixCount)+os.path.splitext(draftOutput)[1]
#Add "_movie_chunk_" to filename in the case of distributed encoding
if distributedEncoding:
draftOutput = os.path.splitext(draftOutput)[0]+"_movie_chunk_"+os.path.splitext(draftOutput)[1]
deadlineTemp = ClientUtils.GetDeadlineTempPath()
jobInfoFile = Path.Combine( deadlineTemp, "draft_event_{0}_{1}.job".format( jobTag.replace( ' ', '_' ), outputIndex ) )
fileHandle = open( jobInfoFile, "w" )
fileHandle.write( "Plugin=DraftPlugin\n" )
fileHandle.write( "Name={0} [{1}]\n".format( job.Name, jobTag ) )
fileHandle.write( "BatchName={0}\n".format( job.BatchName ) )
fileHandle.write( "Comment=Job Created by Draft Event Plugin\n" )
fileHandle.write( "Department={0}\n".format( job.Department ) )
fileHandle.write( "UserName={0}\n".format( job.UserName ) )
fileHandle.write( "Pool={0}\n".format( draftPool ) )
fileHandle.write( "Group={0}\n".format( draftGroup ) )
fileHandle.write( "Priority={0}\n".format( draftPriority) )
fileHandle.write( "OnJobComplete=%s\n" % job.JobOnJobComplete )
if draftLimit:
fileHandle.write( "LimitGroups={0}\n".format( draftLimit ) )
fileHandle.write( "OutputFilename0={0}\n".format( draftOutput ) )
fileHandle.write( "Frames={0}\n".format( inputFrameList ) )
if quickDraftFormat and quickDraftFormat["isDistributed"]:
fileHandle.write( "ChunkSize={0}\n".format( quickDraftFormat["chunkSize"] ) )
fileHandle.write( "MachineLimit={0}\n".format( quickDraftFormat["machineLimit"] ) )
fileHandle.write( "ChunkSize=1000000\n" )
if dependencies:
fileHandle.write( "JobDependencies=%s\n" % dependencies )
if mode:
self.LogInfo( "MODE: " + mode )
modeParts = mode.split( '|' )
if len(modeParts) == 2:
modeType = modeParts[0]
if modeType == "Shotgun":
shotgunMode = modeParts[1]
#Get the shotgun ID from the job
shotgunID = job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "VersionId" )
if ( shotgunID == "" ):
ClientUtils.LogText( "WARNING: Could not find an associated Shotgun Version ID. The Draft output will not be uploaded to Shotgun." )
#Pull any SG info from the other job
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo0={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo0 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo1={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo1 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo2={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo2 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo3={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo3 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo4={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo4 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo5={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo5 ) )
#Only bother with the necessary KVPs
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue0=VersionId={0}\n".format( shotgunID ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue1=TaskId={0}\n".format( job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( 'TaskId' ) ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue2=Mode={0}\n".format( shotgunMode ) )
elif modeType == "ftrack":
ftrackMode = modeParts[1]
#Get the ftrack ID from the job
ftrackID = job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "FT_ProjectId" )
if ( ftrackID == "" ):
ClientUtils.LogText( "WARNING: Could not find an associated ProjectID Version ID. The Draft output will not be uploaded to FTrack." )
#Pull any FT info from the other job
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo0={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo0 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo1={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo1 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo2={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo2 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo3={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo3 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo4={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo4 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo5={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo5 ) )
#Only bother with the necessary KVPs
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue0=FT_ProjectId={0}\n".format( ftrackID ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue1=FT_AssetId={0}\n".format( job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "FT_AssetId" ) ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue2=FT_TaskId={0}\n".format( job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "FT_TaskId" ) ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue3=FT_Description={0}\n".format( job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "FT_Description" ) ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue4=FT_DraftUploadMovie=True\n" )
elif modeType == "NIM":
nimMode = modeParts[1]
#Get the ftrack ID from the job
nimID = job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "nim_jobID" )
if ( nimID == "" ):
ClientUtils.LogText( "WARNING: Could not find an associated NIM job ID. The Draft output will not be uploaded to NIM." )
#Pull any NIM info from the other job
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo0={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo0 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo1={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo1 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo2={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo2 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo3={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo3 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo4={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo4 ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfo5={0}\n".format( job.ExtraInfo5 ) )
#Only bother with the necessary KVPs
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue0=DraftUploadToNim=True\n" )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue1=nim_jobName=%s\n" % job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "nim_jobName" ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue2=nim_jobID=%s\n" % nimID )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue3=nim_taskID=%s\n" % job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "nim_taskID" ) )
#fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue4=DraftNimEncodeSRGB=%s\n" % StringUtils.ParseBooleanWithDefault( job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "DraftNimEncodeSRGB" ), False ) )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue4=DraftNimEncodeSRGB=%s\n" % False )
fileHandle.write( "ExtraInfoKeyValue5=nimSrcJob=%s\n" % job.JobId )
#Build the Draft plugin info file
pluginInfoFile = Path.Combine( deadlineTemp, "draft_event_plugin_info_{0}_{1}.job".format( jobTag, outputIndex ) )
fileHandle = open( pluginInfoFile, "w" )
#build up the script arguments
scriptArgs = draftArgs
scriptArgs.append( 'frameList=%s ' % inputFrameList )
scriptArgs.append( 'startFrame=%s ' % frames[0] )
scriptArgs.append( 'endFrame=%s ' % frames[-1] )
scriptArgs.append( 'inFile="%s" ' % Path.Combine( jobOutputDir, jobOutputFile ) )
scriptArgs.append( 'outFile="%s" ' % draftOutput )
scriptArgs.append( 'outFolder="%s" ' % Path.GetDirectoryName( draftOutput ) )
scriptArgs.append( 'deadlineJobID=%s ' % job.JobId )
i = 0
for scriptArg in scriptArgs:
fileHandle.write( "ScriptArg%d=%s\n" % ( i, scriptArg ) )
i += 1
ClientUtils.LogText( "Submitting {0} Job to Deadline...".format( jobTag ) )
output = self.CallDeadlineCommand( [jobInfoFile, pluginInfoFile, draftScript])
ClientUtils.LogText( output )
jobId = ""
resultArray = output.split()
for line in resultArray:
if line.startswith("JobID="):
jobId = line.replace("JobID=","")
return jobId
def OnJobFinished( self, job ):
# Reset those in case the script was not reloaded
self.OutputPathCollection = {}
self.DraftSuffixDict = {}
if job.JobPlugin != "DraftTileAssembler":
print("Is it doing anything?...")
# If this job has Quick Draft selected, submit a Draft job per output
#submitQuickDraft = ( job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValueWithDefault( "SubmitQuickDraft", "false" ).lower() != "false" )
submitQuickDraft = job.JobPlugin != "DraftTileAssembler"
if submitQuickDraft:
draftQuickScript = RepositoryUtils.GetRepositoryFilePath( "events/DraftEventPlugin/DraftQuickSubmission/DraftCreateImages.py", True )
extension = "jpg"
isMovie = "false"
format = "jpeg"
resolution = "0.5"
codec = "jpeg"
quality = "85"
frameRate = "25"
colorSpaceIn = "Identity"
colorSpaceOut = "Identity"
annotationsString = job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValueWithDefault( "DraftAnnotationsString", "None" )
annotationsFramePaddingSize = job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValueWithDefault( "DraftAnnotationsFramePaddingSize", "None" )
outputCount = len(job.JobOutputFileNames)
for i in range( 0, outputCount ):
scriptArgs = []
ClientUtils.LogText( "====Submitting Job for Output {0} of {1}====".format( i + 1, outputCount ) )
Any ideas on what is missing?