Hello everyone, apologies upfront as I lack the programming knowledge to understand the problem I am having. I have been trying to utilize Thinkbox Sequoia Meshing, the program comes with 3ds integration maxscript for loading Seq. .xmesh into 3ds.
They have provided a .ms file which I have loaded and run. This creates a toolbar button that loads the sequential xmesh files. Whenever I run the script and point the macro to the correct file, once I click load I get this error.
– MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
– Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined
The listener window refers to line 261 and 285, here is the snippet of the code between those to lines:
local theCurrentFile = theFiles[f][1]
local isExistingNode = getNodeByName ("XMesh_"+ getfilenamefile theCurrentFile)
if not isValidNode isExistingNode do
local theLoader = XMeshLoader()
theLoader.renderSequence = theCurrentFile
theLoader.name = "XMesh_"+getfilenamefile theCurrentFile
theLoader.loadSingleFrame = true
theLoader.useFileLengthUnit = true
theLoader.viewportSequenceID = 0
theLoader.showIcon = false
append newObjects theLoader
if chk_assignMaterials.checked do
local theTextures = getPossibleTextures theCurrentFile
if theTextures.count > 0 do
local theMat = StandardMaterial name:("MAT_"+getFileNameFile theCurrentFile)
theMat.diffusemap = bitmapTexture name:("MAP_"+getFileNameFile theCurrentFile) filename:theTextures[1]
if chk_selfIlluminated.checked do theMat.selfIllumAmount = 100.0
theLoader.material = theMat
showTextureMap theMat chk_showTextures.checked
--max views redraw
max zoomext sel all
)--end if node does not exist
)--end if exists