AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Service + Scheduler Issues

Looking for some advice around work scheduling and launcher configuration.

We’ve got it set so our workstations join our farm at a certain time, using all the variables in terms of CPU, Memory and Application exceptions.

The issue we have is running Linux, the launcher can’t run as a service. So we were thinking auto-launching the launcher on login?

Is anyone running this in a different way? Or has any advice?

We’ve created a systemd launcher for the launcher, that works. The Worker launches and then stops near enough immediately. Anyone seen the same?

This is not really true, the launcher runs fine as a service

● deadline10launcher.service - Deadline 10 Launcher Service
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/deadline10launcher.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-06-14 10:45:35 EEST; 1 month 3 days ago
   Main PID: 988 (deadlinelaunche)
      Tasks: 15 (limit: 38330)
     Memory: 528.2M
        CPU: 2d 21h 2min 28.498s
     CGroup: /system.slice/deadline10launcher.service
             └─988 /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/deadlinelauncher.exe -daemon -nogui

Yeah, our launcher works as a service. However the subsequent worker that launches, closes down not long after.

Show us some error logs. It is supposed to work.

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