Setting Affinity on Dual-Quadcore Machines

I have 2 Dual-Quadcore workstations and was wondering if there a way to have a renderslave set set affinities for the xsibatch's it runs on 1 machine so I have 2 free processors to do other stuff?

Hi Yuris,

There isn’t an option to do this. However from our experience, most

software allows you to control how many threads/cpus to use during

rendering. We haven’t checked yet if XSI supports this, but it’s

something we can investigate. If XSI itself has a rendering option to

limit the number of cpus to use during rendering, it’s more than likely

those settings will be respected when rendering through Deadline.


XSI has this option for the compositing side of it, but not for 3D renders that I could find (kind of strange imho). Is the line of code that sets xsibatch nodes to low priority done at the slaves or at the repository? If it's the slaves, then couldn't a line of code be added to also set the affinity? It would be really nice if we can individually set priority and affinity for each slave.

On a related note, there's a checkbox next to set concurrent tasks that says "Limit Tasks To Slave's Task Limit." Where do we specify what the limit is for each slave?

Hi Yuris,

The code that sets the render process priority is in the slave, but it’s

not exposed to the user (this will change in Deadline 3.0). Perhaps we

could look at adding the ability to set the affinity in the future. Not

sure yet if this should be a global option that affects all jobs of a

particular type, or if it should be a per-job option.

The Slave’s Task Limit can be set in the slave settings, which can be

accessed by right-clicking on the slaves in the Deadline Monitor while

in super user mode. By default, this limit is equal to the number of

CPUs the slave has.
