Setting priority of render slaves

Is there a way to submit the priority of individual slaves, without using pools? We have a number of new high-performance render machines in our farm that I want to use as the default renderers for any job submitted, so that these machines pick up jobs first, followed by the older, slower machines. Is this possible? I checked through the documentation, but the only way I could see to do this was through creating a pool for the faster machines and having everyone submit to that pool, which seems like an inelegant solution.



Using pools/groups or machine lists (ie: whitelists or blacklists) is the way to target specific machines, but there is no way to target certain machines first and then go on to others. Because your newer machines are faster, they will end up getting more tasks than the slower machines because they finish their tasks faster, so in the grand scheme of things it will work out that they do more of the work.


  • Ryan