i m trying to setup a linux artist workstation and a win repository…
well let me say it is not so fast and easy.
i had to do a chmod 777 for the folder /etc/deadline couse my linux rendering workstation was not able to write in the job file…
but the render do not start…and i cannot see any project loaded in the deadline monitor i run in a windows box.
instead running a scene from the maya box (the same where i have the repository) seems to works…the linux box where rendergin,…at least it sseeems…but after i see completed job in the monitor i go looking for the images and are not present.
so i was wondering how the linux box do know where to write the images if the argument it receives are in the win format (Q:\path\to\fileserver) .
another weird thing is that the monitor see the win and the linux box stalling and the idle and then stalling…
is there a reason?
is there a complete guide to install the linux version…eventually?
thanks in advance
the error that i receive now is this:
Error:Access to ther path “/mnt/DeadlineRepository/temp/999_050_999_6481aae9/999_050_999_6481aae9.job.Minerva_262” is denied.
and it sound as if i do not have permission to access that folder and write into!..
what kind of setting do i have to do?
this repo is on a win machine…and once i put username and password in my fstab it should be open…i think…
Which flavor of Linux are you running? We have found that some like to lock this folder down and others don’t. We have been thinking about moving these files somewhere else (like /usr/share), but we want to make sure it will work across all Linux OSs.
Are you able to submit the job OK? If an error occurs while submitting the job, that could explain why it’s not appearing in the Monitor.
Check the output folder path you specified on submission - this is where your output should be. Note that currently, you need to use UNC paths that look the same on your Linux and Windows boxes. For example, if you use \server\files on Windows, you should mount this to /server/files on your Linux box. Maya is smart enough to figure out the slashes.
Could be a network issue, or perhaps the machine clocks aren’t in sync. Check the linux box to see if the slave is printing out any error messages.
We are constantly updating our documentation. The install/setup is roughly the same on both Linux and Windows. We would like to add more info regarding the setting up of shares for the different OSs, and it’s on our todo list.
See the last FAQ item here:
franticfilms.com/software/su … avefaq.php
It’s likely a permissions thing on the windows share that you have to configure.
Hope all this helps!
mmm…nothing to do i set the permission so that everyone can access the repository…i can write file inside that folder with my linux account…but deadline stil cannot write the job in…
i get the previuos error!
any other tips:)?
thanks in advance for your time
Have you set the permissions under the Sharing and the Security tab for the windows share? Sometimes you need to do both.
i think that more then this…i do not know what to do…prehaps i have to reinstall…
in the win box i can render now but the linux box have no access in the temp folder
You shouldn’t have to reinstall. The last FAQ item here covers the Security tab:
franticfilms.com/software/su … avefaq.php
You’ll see in the screenshots that there is also a Sharing tab. If you press the Permissions button on this tab, it will bring up the sharing permissions so you can configure them as well.
Maybe try running a chmod 777 on /mnt/DeadlineRepository on the Linux box to see if that helps.