I am trying to submit a vray distributed rendering job to deadline wiht he submission script but I don’t see any DR server in the Active server list. I can do DR perfectly locally though. i can see all my server in vray dialog. I use the spawner as a service. Do i have ot uninstall the services on all my slaves before I can use it with deadline? i prefer ot ask to make sure cause it woul;d be a bit long to reinstall if it fails cause I have enter the service credentials manually on each slave.
There are some options in the VRay DR plugin on what you’d like it to do when the spawner’s already running.
You should make sure the service is not already running, but you can stop those yourself without uninstalling anything.
As far as the list not populating, what is happening when the Slaves start picking up tasks from that job? Are they throwing an error?