Shotgun Advanced - Doesn't sort by anything

The Shotgun Advanced browser doesn’t seem to sort by name, or status or… :smiley:

That’s odd. It should be sorting; our queries to Shotgun are specifying to sort by name (ascending) on all counts. The only thing that wouldn’t be alphabetical is that we have it set up so that Shots always appear before Assets in the Shot/Asset drop down – is that what you’re seeing? Or is everything just haphazardly ordered? Is it just one of the drop-downs that isn’t sorted, or is it all of them?

It would appear to be all of them.

Projects are definitely randomized. :smiley:

Mmk, I’ve added code to manually sort them on our end, just in case python is mucking up the sort order; it’ll be in the next alpha build. Alternatively, If you want to get it in before then to test, you can manually go through the script (make sure to back it up first :slight_smile:) and search for any commented lines that have “.sort()” in them, and un-comment them.

So you should be changing lines that look like this :


To this:


Hopefully that should fix the un-sorted names you’re seeing. If not, I’ll have to look into this further


  • Jon

Versions linked through the Advanced Menu system aren’t actually linking up to the right shots. I suspect it’s related to this bug fix. The drop downs are sorting properly and I imagine the index is getting borked and returning the wrong link GUID.

Hmmm, that’s odd. I haven’t been able to reproduce this here – all Shotgun versions I create through the Deadline submitter are being linked to the Shot I selected. I’m assuming you’re on the Alpha 4 build by now? Does the Shot you selected and the Shot the version actually got linked to share the same name? If not, do they share anything in common?

Finally, could you check the Job properties (in the Deadline Monitor, right-click and select “Modify Job Properties”) of the Nuke/Max job that you’re uploading to Shotgun? The Shotgun-related data should be under the “Extra Info” tab. Could you check if the EntityID (in the Key/Value pairs section) matches up to the ID field of the Shot the version actually got linked to (in Shotgun)? In addition to this, check to see whether “Extra Info 2” matches the Shot name that you selected, or the Shot name that it actually got linked to (assuming they’re different).

That should be enough info to at least get me started on figuring out what’s going wrong here.


The version was added to the shot in the Extra Info slots. But not the one in the browser drop down. I can’t go back in time though unfortunately and determine which it listed in the Submission info window. :frowning:

I’ll see if I can reproduce.

Can’t reproduce.

Either it was a fluke bug after updating or user error.

Alrighty, I guess we’ll just have to keep an eye on this in case it re-surfaces :slight_smile:


I haven’t been able to repro this issue either. In advanced mode, everything appears sorted correctly and is linking up to the proper entities without issue.