I think the problem is caused because of line, but I have no explanation why:
userID = sg.GetUser(userName, shotgunPath)
The entire modified ShotgunUtils.py is below:
import sys
import os
import re
import shotgun_api3.shotgun
def GetIniFileData( shotgunPath=None ) :
if shotgunPath == None:
shotgunPath = os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] )
iniFilename = os.path.join( shotgunPath, "Shotgun.dlinit" )
iniFile = open( iniFilename, "r" )
fileIn = iniFile.read()
ini = fileIn.splitlines()
iniEntries = dict()
for currLine in ini:
line = currLine.replace( "\n", "" ).replace( "\r", "" )
equalIndex = line.find( "=" )
if equalIndex >= 0:
if equalIndex < (len(line) - 1):
if line[:equalIndex].find( "Enabled" ) != -1:
# This is a hack to get around a potential encoding problem.
iniEntries[ "Enabled" ] = line[equalIndex+1:]
iniEntries[line[:equalIndex]] = line[equalIndex+1:]
#iniEntries[line[:equalIndex]] = line[equalIndex+1:]
iniEntries[line[:equalIndex]] = ""
return iniEntries
def GetShotgun( shotgunPath=None ):
if shotgunPath == None:
shotgunPath = os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] )
ini = GetIniFileData( shotgunPath )
url = ini['ShotgunURL']
name = ini['ShotgunScriptName']
key = ini['ShotgunScriptKey']
proxy = ini['ShotgunProxy']
if proxy == "":
proxy = None
sgObject = shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun( url, name, key, True, proxy, connect=False )
noSslValidationString = ini['ShotgunNoSslValidation'].lower()
noSslValidation = (noSslValidationString == "1" or noSslValidationString == "true")
sgObject.config.no_ssl_validation = noSslValidation
return sgObject
#return shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun( url, name, key, True, proxy )
#Utility function to safely try to decode strings (or dict/list contents)
def SafeDecode( obj, useEncoding='utf-8' ):
if isinstance( obj, unicode ):
#already unicode, just reutnr it
return obj
elif isinstance( obj, str ):
#it's a str, decode it
return obj.decode( useEncoding )
elif isinstance( obj, dict ):
#recursively convert contents
for k, v in obj.iteritems():
obj[k] = SafeDecode( v )
elif isinstance( obj, list ):
#recursively convert contents
for i in range( len(obj) ):
obj[i] = SafeDecode( obj[i] )
#last ditch attempt
return unicode( obj, encoding=useEncoding )
return obj
def GetShotgunAPIVersion():
if hasattr( shotgun_api3.shotgun, '__version__' ):
return shotgun_api3.shotgun.__version__
return ""
def GetUserNames( shotgunPath=None ):
userNames = []
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
users = sg.find("HumanUser",filters=[], fields=['login'], order=[{'field_name':'login','direction':'asc'}])
for user in users:
userNames.append( user['login'] )
return SafeDecode( userNames )
def GetUser( loginName, shotgunPath=None ):
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
user = sg.find_one("HumanUser", filters=[["login","is",loginName]], fields=['login','name'])
return SafeDecode( user )
def GetProjects( shotgunPath=None ):
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
projects = []
projects = sg.find('Project', filters=[['sg_status', 'is_not', 'Archive'],['name', 'is_not', 'Template Project']], fields=['name'], order=[{'field_name':'name','direction':'asc'}])
return SafeDecode( projects )
def GetShotsAndAssets( projectID, shotgunPath=None ):
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
project = {'type' : 'Project', 'id' : projectID}
assets = []
assets = sg.find('Asset', filters=[['project', 'is', project], ['sg_status_list', 'is_not', 'omt']], fields=['code'], order=[{'field_name':'code','direction':'asc'}])
shots = []
shots = sg.find('Shot', filters=[['project', 'is', project], ['sg_status_list', 'is_not', 'omt']], fields=['code','sg_sequence'], order=[{'field_name':'sequence','direction':'asc'},{'field_name':'name','direction':'asc'}])
return SafeDecode( shots ), SafeDecode( assets)
def GetShotsAssetsAndElements( projectID, shotgunPath=None ):
shots, assets = GetShotsAndAssets( projectID, shotgunPath )
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
project = { 'type' :'Project', 'id' : projectID }
elements = []
#This blows up if Elements aren't turned on
if 'Element' in sg.schema_entity_read():
elements = sg.find('Element', filters=[['project', 'is', project], ['sg_status_list', 'is_not', 'omt']], fields=['code'], order=[{'field_name':'code','direction':'asc'}])
return SafeDecode( shots ), SafeDecode( assets ), SafeDecode( elements )
def GetTasks( userName, draftField = None, shotgunPath=None ):
tasks = []
return_fields = ['content','project','entity']
if draftField == None:
ini = GetIniFileData( shotgunPath )
draftField = ini['DraftTemplateField']
#The Shotgun API doesn't like blank fields anymore, so check for that before tossing it in
if draftField != None and draftField.strip() != "":
return_fields.append( draftField )
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
userEntry = sg.find_one("HumanUser",filters=[["login","is",userName]],fields=['login','name'])
if userEntry:
tasks = sg.find("Task", filters=[['sg_status_list', 'is', 'ip'],["task_assignees", "is", userEntry]], fields=return_fields, order=[{'field_name':'project','direction':'asc'},{'field_name':'entity','direction':'asc'},{'field_name':'content','direction':'asc'}])
tasks.extend( sg.find("Task", filters=[['sg_status_list', 'is', 'rdy'],["task_assignees", "is", userEntry]], fields=return_fields, order=[{'field_name':'project','direction':'asc'},{'field_name':'entity','direction':'asc'},{'field_name':'content','direction':'asc'}]) )
#This is a more comprehensive task filter. Will return everything all tasks that are not 'Final' or 'Complete'
#tasks = sg.find("Task", filters=[['sg_status_list', 'is_not', 'fin'],['sg_status_list', 'is_not', 'cmpt'],["task_assignees", "is", userEntry]], fields=['content','project','entity',draftField])
#standardize where the draft template is stashed, so we don't have to look it up all the time
for task in tasks:
task["draftTemplate"] = task.get( draftField, "" )
return SafeDecode( tasks )
def GetVersions( entityType, entityID, shotgunPath=None ):
ini = GetIniFileData( shotgunPath )
pathField = ini['VersionEntityPathToFramesField']
firstFrameField = ini['VersionEntityFirstFrameField']
lastFrameField = ini['VersionEntityLastFrameField']
versions = []
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
entity = { 'type' : entityType, 'id' : entityID }
versions = sg.find("Version",[['entity', 'is', entity]],['code', pathField, firstFrameField, lastFrameField, 'description'])
return SafeDecode( versions )
def GetVersion( versionID, shotgunPath=None ):
ini = GetIniFileData( shotgunPath )
pathField = ini['VersionEntityPathToFramesField']
firstFrameField = ini['VersionEntityFirstFrameField']
lastFrameField = ini['VersionEntityLastFrameField']
jobIDField = ini.get('VersionEntityJobIDField', '')
draftField = ini.get('DraftTemplateField', '')
fieldFilter = ['code','id','project','entity','user',pathField,firstFrameField,lastFrameField,'description']
if jobIDField != '':
fieldFilter.append( jobIDField )
if draftField:
fieldFilter.append( 'sg_task.Task.' + draftField )
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
version = sg.find_one('Version', [['id','is',versionID]], fieldFilter)
if version and version['user'] and ('name' in version['user']):
user = sg.find_one('HumanUser',[['name','is',version['user']['name']]],['login'])
version['user']['login'] = user['login']
return SafeDecode( version )
def AddNewVersion( userName, taskId, projectId, entityId, entityType, version, description, frameList, frameCount, outputPath, shotgunPath=None, jobID="" ):
ini = GetIniFileData( shotgunPath )
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
user = sg.find_one("HumanUser",filters=[["login","is",userName]],fields=['login','name'])
userID = sg.GetUser(userName, shotgunPath)
startFrame = -1
endFrame = -1
#extracts all the individual frame numbers from the list, ignoring any step/interleaving numbers
frames = re.findall( "(?:[^xi(step)(by)(every)\d]|^)(\d+)", str(frameList) )
for frame in frames:
if startFrame == -1 or frame < startFrame:
startFrame = frame
if endFrame == -1 or frame > endFrame:
endFrame = frame
data = {
'user': user,
'code': version,
'description': description,
'created_by': userID
if ini.get('VersionEntityPathToFramesField', "") != "":
data[ ini['VersionEntityPathToFramesField'] ] = outputPath
if ini.get('VersionEntityFrameRangeField', "") != "":
data[ ini['VersionEntityFrameRangeField'] ] = frameList
if ini.get('VersionEntityFrameCountField', "") != "":
data[ ini['VersionEntityFrameCountField'] ] = frameCount
if ini.get('VersionEntityFirstFrameField', "") != "":
data[ ini['VersionEntityFirstFrameField'] ] = int(startFrame)
if ini.get('VersionEntityLastFrameField', "") != "":
data[ ini['VersionEntityLastFrameField'] ] = int(endFrame)
if ini.get('VersionEntityJobIDField', "") != "":
data[ ini['VersionEntityJobIDField'] ] = jobID
if ( taskId >= 0 and ini.get('VersionEntityTaskField', "") != "" ) :
data[ini['VersionEntityTaskField']] = {'type':'Task', 'id':taskId}
task = sg.find_one('Task', [['id','is',taskId]], ['entity', 'project'])
data['project'] = task['project']
data['entity'] = task['entity']
else :
data['project'] = {'type':'Project', 'id':projectId}
data['entity'] = {'type':entityType, 'id':entityId}
#print data
new_version = sg.create('Version', data)
return SafeDecode( new_version )
def UpdateVersion( versionId, statusCode, shotgunPath=None ):
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
ini = GetIniFileData( shotgunPath )
data = {ini['VersionEntityStatusField'] : statusCode}
sg.update('Version', versionId, data)
def UpdateRenderTimeForVersion( versionID, avgRenderTime, totalRenderTime, shotgunPath=None ):
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
ini = GetIniFileData( shotgunPath )
data = {}
#append the relevant fields to the data dictionary
avgTimeFieldName = ini['VersionEntityAverageTimeField']
if ( avgRenderTime != None and avgTimeFieldName != None and avgTimeFieldName.strip() != "" ):
data.update( { avgTimeFieldName : avgRenderTime } )
totalTimeFieldName = ini['VersionEntityTotalTimeField']
if ( totalRenderTime != None and totalTimeFieldName != None and totalTimeFieldName.strip() != "" ):
data.update( { totalTimeFieldName : totalRenderTime } )
#only upload if the fields are actually mapped
if ( len( data.items() ) > 0 ):
sg.update( 'Version', versionID, data )
def UploadMovieToVersion( versionID, path, shotgunPath=None ):
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
ini = GetIniFileData( shotgunPath )
pathToMovieField = ini['VersionEntityPathToMovieField']
if ( pathToMovieField != None and pathToMovieField.strip() != "" ):
data = { pathToMovieField : path }
sg.update( 'Version', versionID, data )
sg.upload( 'Version', versionID, path, ini['VersionEntityUploadMovieField'] )
def UploadFilmstripToVersion( versionID, path, shotgunPath=None ):
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
sg.upload_filmstrip_thumbnail( 'Version', versionID, path )
def UploadThumbnailToVersion( versionID, path, shotgunPath=None ) :
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
sg.upload_thumbnail( 'Version', versionID, path )
def CreateActionMenuItem ( title, entity, shotgunPath=None ) :
sg = GetShotgun( shotgunPath )
data = {
"url": "draft://submit_job_to_deadline",
"list_order": 1,
"entity_type": entity,
"selection_required": True,
if ( sg.find_one('ActionMenuItem', [['title', 'is', title]]) == None ) :
sg.create('ActionMenuItem', data)
## This handles the case where the script is called from the command line.
#if len( sys.argv ) > 1:
if hasattr( sys, 'argv' ) and len( sys.argv ) > 1:
arg = sys.argv[1]
if arg == "CreateActionMenuItem":
CreateActionMenuItem(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
if arg == "Users":
userNames = GetUserNames()
for userName in userNames:
print( "%s" % userName )
if arg == "Projects":
projects = GetProjects()
for project in projects:
print( "ProjectName=%s" % project['name'] )
print( "ProjectID=%s" % project['id'] )
print( "" )
if arg == "ShotsAndAssets":
projectID = int(sys.argv[2])
shots,assets = GetShotsAndAssets(projectID)
for shot in shots:
print( "ShotCode=%s" % shot['code'] )
print( "ShotID=%s" % shot['id'] )
print( "" )
for asset in assets:
print( "AssetCode=%s" % asset['code'] )
print( "AssetID=%s" % asset['id'] )
print( "" )
if arg == "Tasks" and len( sys.argv ) > 2:
ini = GetIniFileData()
draftField = ini['DraftTemplateField']
userName = sys.argv[2]
tasks = GetTasks( userName, draftField )
for task in tasks:
print( "TaskName=%s" % task['content'] )
print( "TaskID=%s" % task['id'] )
print( "DraftTemplate=%s" % task[draftField] )
if task['project'] != None:
print( "ProjectName=%s" % task['project']['name'] )
print( "ProjectID=%s" % task['project']['id'] )
if task['entity'] != None:
print( "EntityName=%s" % task['entity']['name'] )
print( "EntityType=%s" % task['entity']['type'] )
print( "EntityID=%s" % task['entity']['id'] )
print( "" )
if arg == "Version" and len( sys.argv ) > 2:
ini = GetIniFileData()
versionID = int(sys.argv[2])
version = GetVersion( versionID )
print ("VersionCode=%s" % version['code'] )
print ("VersionUser=%s" % version['user']['login'] )
print ("VersionProjectID=%s" % version['project']['id'] )
print ("VersionEntityType=%s" % version['entity']['type'] )
print ("VersionEntityID=%s" % version['entity']['id'] )
print ("")
if arg == "Versions" and len( sys.argv ) > 3:
ini = GetIniFileData()
pathField = ini['VersionEntityPathToFramesField']
firstFrameField = ini['VersionEntityFirstFrameField']
lastFrameField = ini['VersionEntityLastFrameField']
entityType = sys.argv[2]
entityID = int(sys.argv[3])
versions = GetVersions( entityType, entityID )
for version in versions:
print( "VersionCode=%s" % version['code'] )
print( "VersionID=%s" % version['id'] )
if ( pathField in version ) :
print( "VersionPath=%s" % version[pathField] )
else :
print( "VersionPath=" )
if ( firstFrameField in version ) :
print( "VersionFirstFrame=%s" % version[firstFrameField] )
else :
print( "VersionFirstFrame=" )
if ( lastFrameField in version ) :
print( "VersionLastFrame=%s" % version[lastFrameField] )
else :
print( "VersionLastFrame=" )
print( "" )
if arg == "NewVersion" and len( sys.argv ) > 11:
userName = sys.argv[2]
taskId = int(sys.argv[3])
projectId = int(sys.argv[4])
entityId = int(sys.argv[5])
entityType = sys.argv[6]
version =sys.argv[7]
description = sys.argv[8]
frameList = sys.argv[9]
frameCount = int(sys.argv[10])
outputPath = sys.argv[11]
new_version = AddNewVersion( userName, taskId, projectId, entityId, entityType, version, description, frameList, frameCount, outputPath )
print( "New Shotgun version created with ID: %s" % new_version['id'] )
if arg == "Update" and len( sys.argv ) > 3:
versionId = int(sys.argv[2])
statusCode = sys.argv[3]
UpdateVersion( versionId, statusCode )
if arg == "UpdateRenderTime" and len( sys.argv ) > 4:
versionId = int(sys.argv[2])
avgRenderTime = sys.argv[3]
totalRenderTime = sys.argv[4]
UpdateRenderTimeForVersion( versionId, avgRenderTime, totalRenderTime )
if arg == "Upload" and len( sys.argv ) > 3:
versionId = int(sys.argv[2])
path = sys.argv[3]
UploadMovieToVersion( versionId, path )
if arg == "UploadThumbnail" and len( sys.argv ) > 3:
versionId = int(sys.argv[2])
path = sys.argv[3]
UploadThumbnailToVersion( versionId, path )