Shotgun Doesn't Work

The Connect button makes the python window pop up briefly and then disappears.

Wow, I just reproduced that here. This was working before we built the installers on Friday. I guess that’s what we get for doing a release on a Monday.

We’ll try to figure this out ASAP and get back to you. We’ll probably just have to upload a patched script for now so that we don’t have to wait for the next alpha release.


  • Ryan

So it looks like our fix for the bug where passing the “modal” value to scriptDialog.ShowDialog() caused the SG script all sorts of problems. We haven’t tracked down those problems yet, so we just changed the modal value to True in the SG script and that seems to have fixed things for now.

Attached is the updated script. Unzip it to \your\repository\events\Shotgun and let us know if it fixes the problem for you.


Just an FYI that we’ve tracked down the non-modal issue. We’re going to leave the SG UI modal going forward anyways, but this bug will ensure that other submitters (like the modo one) work properly in alpha 4.


  • Ryan