Shotgun Event Script


I’m trying to hook into your Shotgun Event Script. I’ve got it working to pick up the correct information when submitting but it’s constantly creating a new version even though I’m passing through the requisite version information (I think). I don’t want Deadline to make a version at all, I would prefer for it to hook into a version I make initially. Looking at the OnJobSubmitted method on the script it looks like there’s an option “CreateVersionOnSubmission” which I’ve set to False in the hope that would stop it but it still seems to be creating a version every time? Any thoughts on what I can do? I’ve listed my ExtraInfoKeyValues below if that helps…



There’s an OnJobSubmitted log as well:

Hmm. I’ll see who has a working Shotgun setup here so we can put that through its paces.

Hi Edwin,

That would be great thanks, I had a quick look again today but I thought I’d got the value that would stop it making the version but it’s not doing it. A list of the possible options would be useful then I can work it out. I’m just working of a submission using your Pipeline Tools to get the variables but I’m not 100% which it needs and which it doesn’t. I don’t really want to hack it apart and make my own if I can avoid it…!



Hey Nick,

I was able to have my filmstrip/movie uploaded to an already existing version. I disabled “CreateVersionOnSubmission” in the event plugin. This is a global setting so you just need to set it in the event settings.

To use an existing Version you need to pass it to the Job as an ExtraInfoKeyValue (ex. ExtraInfoKeyValue6=VersionId=1604). Are you doing this already?

What version of Deadline are you currently on (Full Version Number)?



Hi Charles,

We’re on, I was passing through the VersionId key with a version, the plugin was changing it on submission. I thought the ‘CreateVersionOnSubmission’ was an optional ExtraInfoKey rather than an overall plugin, that’s where I was going wrong. We’ve had a few other issues in the office so I haven’t fully checked this but I did disable the option and it seems to have stopped creating all the versions. I guess this would mess up the Pipeline Tools option in the application submitters though?

