Shotgun Integration add version token?


Reviewing this :

Could we get ${version} added to this list?

I understand that is kind-of a “loaded”" question.


Sorry for the late reply on this. I just to make sure I understand what you want for the ${version} tag. We should be able to replace the tag with the Version ID if that is what you are interested in otherwise would you be able to elaborate what you would like for the token.


I would definitely like the ${version} token added, sorry I was a bit cryptic as I did not elaborate on the other issue I know of when submitting to Deadline from Maya.

The Shotgun naming convention ends up with filenames like this :

If I use the token (see image) I end up with the token resolving as DD000_0010_light.v003 as it just cuts off the .ma, this then creates a non-tokenized problem if you want to use the token as well…

Anyway, it’s not really a Thinkbox problem, just annoying…

I hope this makes sense, let me know if I should clarify anything further, thanks!