import os, sys, time, re, webbrowser
from System import *
from System.Collections.Specialized import *
from System.Drawing import *
from System.IO import *
from System.Text import *
from System.Threading import *
from System.Windows.Forms import *
from Deadline.Scripting import *
scriptDialog = None
settings = None
shotgunPath = None
logBox = None
appName = “” #the app name calling the script (so we can stash sticky settings separately per application)
sgURL = “” #the base URL for the studio’s SG db
sgConfig = {} #the shotgun configuration settings (taken from shotgun.dlinit)
currentUser = None #connected user
sgProjectDict = {} #dictionary of Shotgun Projects
sgTaskDict = {} #dictionary of Shotgun Tasks
sgEntityDict = {} #dictionary of Shotgun Entities
versionTemplates = [] #list of version templates
sgVersionDict = None #dictionary of Shotgun Versions
shotgunImported = False #keeps track of whether or not we added Shotgun to the PATH
updatingUI = False #variable used to bypass event handlers when values change programmatically
statusMessage = “” #current status
errorMessage = “”
logMessages = [""]
stickySettings = {} #a dictionary of sticky settings
advancedMode = False #tracks whether or not we’re using advanced Mode
versionSelectMode = False # tracks if the control is used to select an existing version
workerThread = None #Thread to do actual work in the background
progressThread = None #Thread for updating progress bar, in order to look “busy”
Main Function Called By Deadline
def main( *args ):
global advancedMode
global versionSelectMode
global logBox
global scriptDialog
global settings
global shotgunPath
global versionTemplates
global appName
global newEntityButton
global sgURL
global sgConfig
#Get the app name from the args (if it's there)
if len( args ) > 0:
appName = args[0]
if len( args ) > 1 and args[1].lower() == "selectversion":
versionSelectMode = True
scriptDialog = DeadlineScriptEngine.GetScriptDialog()
#Try to import shotgun stuff; fail nicely if it doesn't work
import ShotgunUtils
scriptDialog.ShowMessageBox( "An error occurred when trying to import the Shotgun API.\n\nPlease ensure that the Shotgun API has been added to your Shotgun event folder.", "Error" )
#Get the shotgun plugin config values
sgConfig = ShotgunUtils.GetIniFileData( shotgunPath )
#advancedMode = Boolean.Parse( shotgunConfig.get( "EnableAdvancedWorkflow", "False" ) )
advancedMode = StringUtils.ParseBooleanWithDefault( sgConfig.get( "EnableAdvancedWorkflow", "False" ), False )
versionTemplates = sgConfig.get( "VersionNameTemplates", "" ).split( ';' )
sgURL = sgConfig.get( "ShotgunURL", "" )
#append a / if there isn't one
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( sgURL ) and not sgURL.endswith( "/" ):
sgURL += "/"
shotgunAPIVersion = ShotgunUtils.GetShotgunAPIVersion()
#clean out empty templates
for template in versionTemplates:
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( template ):
versionTemplates.remove( template )
dialogWidth = 450
labelWidth = 90
dialogHeight = 382
padding = 6
shotgunPath = Path.Combine( GetRootDirectory(), "events/Shotgun" )
scriptDialog.SetSize( dialogWidth + 14, dialogHeight )
title = "Shotgun Settings"
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( shotgunAPIVersion ):
title += " (API v%s)" % shotgunAPIVersion
scriptDialog.SetTitle( title )
scriptDialog.SetIcon( Path.Combine( shotgunPath, "Shotgun.ico" ) )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "Separator1", "SeparatorControl", "Shotgun Fields", dialogWidth, -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "LoginLabel", "LabelControl", "Login Name", labelWidth, -1)
loginBox = scriptDialog.AddControl( "LoginBox", "TextControl", "", 175, -1 )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "LoginBox", os.environ['USERNAME'] )
loginBox.ValueModified += LoginNameChanged
loginButton = scriptDialog.AddControl( "LoginButton", "ButtonControl", "Connect", labelWidth, -1 )
loginButton.ValueModified += LoginButtonPressed
scriptDialog.AddControl( "UserLabel", "LabelControl", "Connected User", labelWidth, -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "UserBox", "LabelControl", "", dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "TaskLabel", "LabelControl", "Task", labelWidth, -1 )
taskBox = scriptDialog.AddComboControl( "TaskBox", "ComboControl", "", (), dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding) - 25, -1 )
taskBox.ValueModified += ShotgunTaskChanged
newTaskButton = scriptDialog.AddControl( "NewTaskButton", "ButtonControl", "+", 20, -1 )
newTaskButton.ValueModified += NewEntityButton_Pressed
#context menu
menu = ContextMenu()
item = MenuItem( "New Task..." )
item.Click += NewTaskMenuItem_Click
menu.MenuItems.Add( item )
newTaskButton.ContextMenu = menu
scriptDialog.AddControl( "ProjectLabel", "LabelControl", "Project", labelWidth, -1 )
#only use a drop down if we're using advanced workflow
if advancedMode:
projectBox = scriptDialog.AddComboControl( "ProjectBox", "ComboControl", "", (), dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
projectBox.ValueModified += ShotgunProjectChanged
scriptDialog.AddControl( "ProjectBox", "LabelControl", "", dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "EntityLabel", "LabelControl", "Entity", labelWidth, -1 )
#only use a drop down if we're using advanced workflow
if advancedMode:
entityBox = scriptDialog.AddComboControl( "EntityBox", "ComboControl", "", (), dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding) - 25, -1 )
entityBox.ValueModified += ShotgunEntityChanged
newEntityButton = scriptDialog.AddControl( "NewEntityButton", "ButtonControl", "+", 20, -1 )
newEntityButton.ValueModified += NewEntityButton_Pressed
#context menu
menu = ContextMenu()
item = MenuItem( "New Asset..." )
item.Click += NewAssetMenuItem_Click
menu.MenuItems.Add( item )
item = MenuItem( "New Element..." )
item.Click += NewElementMenuItem_Click
menu.MenuItems.Add( item )
item = MenuItem( "New Shot..." )
item.Click += NewShotMenuItem_Click
menu.MenuItems.Add( item )
newEntityButton.ContextMenu = menu
scriptDialog.AddControl( "EntityBox", "LabelControl", "", dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
if versionSelectMode:
scriptDialog.AddControl( "VersionLabel", "LabelControl", "Version", labelWidth, -1 )
versionControl = scriptDialog.AddComboControl( "VersionCombo", "ComboControl", "Version", (), dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
versionControl.ValueModified += ShotgunVersionChanged
scriptDialog.AddControl( "DescriptionLabel", "LabelControl", "Description", labelWidth, -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "DescriptionBox", "ReadOnlyTextControl", "", dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "TemplateLabel", "LabelControl", "Version Template", labelWidth, -1 )
#if we have templates, use an editable combo box
if len( versionTemplates ) > 0:
templateBox = scriptDialog.AddComboControl( "TemplateBox", "EditableComboControl", "", tuple( versionTemplates ), dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
templateBox.ValueModified += VersionTemplateChanged
templateBox = scriptDialog.AddControl( "TemplateBox", "TextControl", "", dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
templateBox.ValueModified += VersionTemplateChanged
scriptDialog.AddControl( "PreviewLabel", "LabelControl", "Version Preview", labelWidth, -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "PreviewBox", "LabelControl", "", dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "DescriptionLabel", "LabelControl", "Description", labelWidth, -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "DescriptionBox", "TextControl", "", dialogWidth - (labelWidth + padding), -1 )
scriptDialog.AddControl( "LogLabel", "LabelControl", "Shotgun Log:", labelWidth, -1 )
logBox = scriptDialog.AddComboControl( "LogBox", "ListControl", "", (""), dialogWidth, 70 )
logBox.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical;
logBox.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiExtended
scriptDialog.AddRangeControl( "ProgressBar", "ProgressBarControl", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, labelWidth, 20)
scriptDialog.AddControl( "DummyLabel", "LabelControl", "", dialogWidth - labelWidth - 200 - (3 * padding), -1)
okButton = scriptDialog.AddControl( "OKButton", "ButtonControl", "OK", 100, -1 )
okButton.ValueModified += OKButtonPressed
cancelButton = scriptDialog.AddControl( "CancelButton", "ButtonControl", "Cancel", 100, -1 )
cancelButton.ValueModified += CancelButtonPressed
scriptDialog.AddControl( "StatusLabel", "LabelControl", "", dialogWidth, -1 )
scriptDialog.Shown += DialogShown
settings = ()
if versionSelectMode:
settings = ("TaskBox", "ProjectBox", "EntityBox")
settings = ("TaskBox", "ProjectBox", "EntityBox", "TemplateBox", "DescriptionBox")
GetStickySettings( GetSettingsFilename() ) #loads in sticky settings for later use (our combo box items are dynamic, those won't get loaded right away)
scriptDialog.LoadSettings( GetSettingsFilename(), settings ) #loads what sticky settings can be loaded right now
scriptDialog.ShowDialog( True )
#Dialog was shown, start up a background thread to connect to shotgun
def DialogShown(*args):
global scriptDialog
errors, warnings = CheckShotgunSetup()
if len( errors ) > 0:
message = "Deadline's Shotgun integration does not seem to be configured properly.\n\nThe following errors must be rectified in the Shotgun Event Plugin configuration before proceeding:\n"
for error in errors:
message += (" ERROR: %s\n" % error)
scriptDialog.ShowMessageBox( message, "Shotgun Configuration Error" )
CancelButtonPressed( None )
if len( warnings ) > 0:
message = ""
for warning in warnings:
message += (warning + "\n\n")
scriptDialog.ShowMessageBox( message.rstrip( '\n' ), "Shotgun Configurations Warning" )
#this will bring the form to the foreground
scriptDialog.TopMost = True
scriptDialog.TopMost = False
stickyUser = scriptDialog.GetValue( "LoginBox" )
#if we loaded a sticky value for the user, try connecting right away
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( stickyUser ):
WriteToLogBox( "Defaulting to user: '%s'" % stickyUser )
LoginButtonPressed( None )
#Makes the progress bar fill up at a steady rate, while displaying a status message
def LookBusy():
global scriptDialog
global statusMessage
global workerThread
global errorMessage
global logMessages
progress = 0
#Keep looping until the worker thread finishes
while workerThread.IsAlive and IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( errorMessage ):
progress = ( progress + 2 ) % 101
scriptDialog.SetValue( "ProgressBar", progress )
dots = ""
for i in range( 0, progress / 25 ):
dots = dots + "."
scriptDialog.SetValue( "StatusLabel", "%s%s" % (statusMessage, dots) )
Thread.Sleep( 50 )
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( errorMessage ):
#no error, rejoice!
scriptDialog.SetValue( "ProgressBar", 100 )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "StatusLabel", "Shotgun request complete" )
#there was an error, display it
scriptDialog.SetValue( "ProgressBar", 0 )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "StatusLabel", "error :(" )
scriptDialog.ShowMessageBox( errorMessage, "Error" )
errorMessage = ""
#clear the status label after a few secs
Thread.Sleep( 2500 )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "StatusLabel", "" )
#Updates the enabled status of all controls on the form to match their status (values)
def UpdateEnabledStatus():
global scriptDialog
global workerThread
global currentUser
global advancedMode
global versionSelectMode
#Check if we're working on something in the background thread
finishedWorking = (workerThread == None or not workerThread.IsAlive)
#Check which fields are empty -- this will help us determine which controls should be enabled
connected = (currentUser != None)
taskEmpty = IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( scriptDialog.GetValue( "TaskBox" ) )
projectEmpty = IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( scriptDialog.GetValue( "ProjectBox" ) )
entityEmpty = IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( scriptDialog.GetValue( "EntityBox" ) )
#login related stuff
loginName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "LoginBox" )
loginEmpty = IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( loginName )
loginChanged = False
if connected:
loginChanged = (currentUser['login'] != loginName)
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "LoginLabel", finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "LoginBox", finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "LoginButton", finishedWorking and not loginEmpty )
if connected and not loginChanged:
scriptDialog.SetValue( "LoginButton", "Refresh" )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "LoginButton", "Connect" )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "UserLabel", connected and finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "UserBox", connected and finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "TaskLabel", connected and finishedWorking and ( not advancedMode or (not taskEmpty or projectEmpty) ) )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "TaskBox", connected and finishedWorking and ( not advancedMode or (not taskEmpty or projectEmpty) ) )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "NewTaskButton", connected and finishedWorking and ( not advancedMode or (not taskEmpty or projectEmpty) ) )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "ProjectLabel", connected and finishedWorking and (not advancedMode or taskEmpty) )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "ProjectBox", connected and finishedWorking and (not advancedMode or taskEmpty) )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "EntityLabel", connected and finishedWorking and ( not advancedMode or (taskEmpty and not projectEmpty) ) )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "EntityBox", connected and finishedWorking and ( not advancedMode or (taskEmpty and not projectEmpty) ) )
if advancedMode:
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "NewEntityButton", connected and finishedWorking and taskEmpty and not projectEmpty )
if versionSelectMode:
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "VersionLabel", connected and finishedWorking and not entityEmpty )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "VersionCombo", connected and finishedWorking and not entityEmpty )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "TemplateLabel", connected and finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "TemplateBox", connected and finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "PreviewLabel", connected and finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "PreviewBox", connected and finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "DescriptionLabel", connected and finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "DescriptionBox", connected and finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "OKButton", connected and finishedWorking )
scriptDialog.SetEnabled( "CancelButton", True )
#Adds a line to the log box (in a thread-safe manner)
def WriteToLogBox( strAppending, suppressNewLine=False ):
global scriptDialog
global logBox
global logMessages
global mainThread
lines = strAppending.splitlines()
for line in lines:
logMessages[ len( logMessages ) - 1 ] += line
if not suppressNewLine or lines.index(line) < len(lines) - 1:
logMessages.append( "" )
scriptDialog.SetItems( "LogBox", tuple( logMessages ) )
logBox.EnsureVisible( len( logMessages ) - 1 )
#hack to get the scrolled log box to draw properly on OSX
scriptDialog.SetValue( "LogBox", line )
#the log box might just not be initialized, just supress the exception
#Checks the provided Shotgun settings dictionary (taken from Shotgun.dlinit) to make sure required values have been set up
def CheckShotgunSetup():
global sgConfig
global sgURL
warnings = []
errors = []
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( sgURL ):
errors.append( "The Shotgun URL has not been set." )
if sgConfig.get( "ShotgunScriptName", "" ).strip() == "":
errors.append( "The Shotgun Script Name has not been set." )
if sgConfig.get( "ShotgunScriptKey", "" ).strip() == "":
errors.append( "The Shotgun Script Key has not been set." )
sgEnabled = sgConfig.get( "Enabled", "" ).strip()
if sgEnabled[:4].upper() != "TRUE":
warnings.append( "The Shotgun Event Plugin is currently disabled.\n\nThe Shotgun Event Plugin must be enabled in order for Shotgun integration to work properly." )
return errors, warnings
#Ensures Shotgun stuff is in the PATH so we can import the Shotgun modules
def AddShotgunToPath():
global shotgunPath
global shotgunImported
if shotgunPath == None:
shotgunPath = Path.Combine( GetRootDirectory(), "events/Shotgun" )
if not shotgunImported:
sys.path.append( shotgunPath )
shotgunImported = True
return shotgunPath
#Does the initial connection to shotgun
def ConnectToShotgun( userName ):
global errorMessage
global scriptDialog
global shotgunPath
global statusMessage
global stickySettings
global updatingUI
global currentUser
global advancedMode
statusMessage = "connecting"
newUser = None
import ShotgunUtils
WriteToLogBox( "Connecting to Shotgun as '%s'... " % userName, True )
newUser = ShotgunUtils.GetUser( userName, shotgunPath )
if newUser != None:
WriteToLogBox( "done!" )
WriteToLogBox( "failed." )
errorMessage = "An error occurred while attempting to connect to Shotgun; see log for details."
if newUser != None:
#Initialize defaults to None
defaultTask = None
defaultProject = None
defaultEntity = None
defaultVersion = None
#Load sticky settings if it's our first time through
if currentUser == None:
defaultTask = stickySettings.get( "TaskBox", None )
if advancedMode:
defaultProject = stickySettings.get( "ProjectBox", None )
defaultEntity = stickySettings.get( "EntityBox", None )
defaultVersion = stickySettings.get( "VersionBox", None )
elif currentUser == newUser:
#refreshing, default to current settings
defaultTask = scriptDialog.GetValue( "TaskBox" )
defaultProject = scriptDialog.GetValue( "ProjectBox" )
defaultEntity = scriptDialog.GetValue( "EntityBox" )
if versionSelectMode:
defaultVersion = scriptDialog.GetValue( "VersionBox" )
#update current user
currentUser = newUser
scriptDialog.SetValue( "UserBox", currentUser['name'] )
defaultedTask = GetTasksForUser( currentUser['login'], defaultTask )
#don't need to fill these out if we're not doing advanced workflow, or if we already have a task (and therefore a project/entity)
if advancedMode:
defaultedProject = GetProjectsForUser( currentUser['login'], defaultProject )
#only need to load entities if no task was defaulted
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( defaultedTask ):
defaultedEntity = GetEntitiesForProject( defaultedProject, defaultEntity )
if versionSelectMode:
GetVersionsForEntity( defaultedEntity, defaultVersion )
elif versionSelectMode:
GetVersionsForTask( defaultedTask, defaultVersion )
#update the version template preview
VersionTemplateChanged( None )
errorMessage = "Failed to connect to Shotgun with the given login name. Please double-check your login and try again."
#Make sure we set this to notify other threads that this failed
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( errorMessage ):
errorMessage = "An error occurred while connecting to Shotgun; see log for details."
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[0] ) )
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[1] ) )
WriteToLogBox( "---END ERROR INFO---" )
#Get SG Tasks for a given user
#Returns the defaulted task, if applicable
def GetTasksForUser( user, defaultTask=None ):
global errorMessage
global shotgunPath
global updatingUI
global sgTaskDict
global scriptDialog
global statusMessage
tasks = []
taskNames = []
sgTaskDict = {}
#fall back to current value as a default
if defaultTask == None:
defaultTask = scriptDialog.GetValue( "TaskBox" )
statusMessage = "fetching tasks"
if user != None:
import ShotgunUtils
WriteToLogBox( "Getting Task list for user '%s'... " % user, True )
tasks = ShotgunUtils.GetTasks( user, None, shotgunPath )
WriteToLogBox( "done!" )
taskNames.append( " " )
for task in tasks:
if task['project'] != None and task['entity'] != None:
taskName = task['project']['name'] + " > " + task['entity']['name'] + " > " + task['content']
sgTaskDict[ taskName ] = task
taskNames.append( taskName )
scriptDialog.SetItems( "TaskBox", tuple( taskNames ) )
#default to the given task, if available
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( defaultTask ) and defaultTask in taskNames:
elif len( taskNames ) > 0:
defaultTask = taskNames[0]
defaultTask = None
#Set the default task
if defaultTask != None:
if defaultTask.strip() != "":
WriteToLogBox( "Defaulting to task: '%s'" % defaultTask )
updatingUI = True
scriptDialog.SetValue( "TaskBox", defaultTask )
updatingUI = False
return defaultTask
#Make sure we set this to notify other threads that this failed
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( errorMessage ):
errorMessage = "An error occurred while attempting to collect Task Names from Shotgun; see log for details."
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[0] ) )
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[1] ) )
WriteToLogBox( "---END ERROR INFO---" )
return None
#Gets SG Projects for a given user
#Returns the defaulted project, if applicable
def GetProjectsForUser( user, defaultProject=None ):
global errorMessage
global shotgunPath
global sgProjectDict
global updatingUI
global scriptDialog
global statusMessage
global advancedMode
projects = []
projectNames = []
sgProjectDict = {}
#fall back on currently selected value as default
if defaultProject == None:
defaultProject = scriptDialog.GetValue( "ProjectBox" )
statusMessage = "fetching projects"
if user != None:
import ShotgunUtils
WriteToLogBox( "Getting Project list for user '%s'... " % user, True )
projects = ShotgunUtils.GetProjects( shotgunPath )
WriteToLogBox( "done!" )
projectNames.append( " " )
for project in projects:
projectName = project['name']
sgProjectDict[ projectName ] = project
projectNames.append( projectName )
if advancedMode:
scriptDialog.SetItems( "ProjectBox", tuple( projectNames ) )
#default to the previously selected project, if available
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( defaultProject ) and defaultProject in projectNames:
elif len( projectNames ) > 0:
defaultProject = projectNames[0]
defaultProject = None
#set the default project
if defaultProject != None:
updatingUI = True
if defaultProject.strip() != "":
WriteToLogBox( "Defaulting to project: '%s'" % defaultProject )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "ProjectBox", defaultProject )
updatingUI = False
return defaultProject
#Make sure we set this to notify other threads that this failed
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( errorMessage ):
errorMessage = "An error occurred while attempting to collect Project Names from Shotgun; see log for details."
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[0] ) )
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[1] ) )
WriteToLogBox( "---END ERROR INFO---" )
return None
#Gets SG Entities (Shots/Assets) for a given project
#Returns the defaulted entity, if applicable
def GetEntitiesForProject( projectName, defaultEntity=None ):
global errorMessage
global shotgunPath
global scriptDialog
global updatingUI
global sgProjectDict
global sgEntityDict
global statusMessage
shotgunEntityDict = {}
entityNames = [" "]
#fall back on currently selected value as a default
if defaultEntity == None:
defaultEntity = scriptDialog.GetValue( "EntityBox" )
statusMessage = "fetching entities"
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( projectName ):
shots = []
assets = []
shotNames = []
assetNames = []
elementNames = []
project = sgProjectDict[ projectName ]
import ShotgunUtils
WriteToLogBox( "Getting Entity lists for project '%s'... " % projectName, True )
shots, assets, elements = ShotgunUtils.GetShotsAssetsAndElements( project['id'], shotgunPath )
WriteToLogBox( "done!" )
for shot in shots:
shotName = shot['code']
if shot.get( "sg_sequence", None ):
shotName = "%s > %s" % (shot['sg_sequence']['name'], shotName)
sgEntityDict[ shotName ] = shot
shotNames.append( shotName )
for asset in assets:
assetName = asset['code']
sgEntityDict[ assetName ] = asset
assetNames.append( assetName )
for element in elements:
elementName = element['code']
sgEntityDict[ elementName ] = element
elementNames.append( elementName )
entityNames.extend( shotNames )
entityNames.extend( assetNames )
entityNames.extend( elementNames )
if advancedMode:
scriptDialog.SetItems( "EntityBox", tuple( entityNames ) )
#default to given entity if available
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( defaultEntity ) and defaultEntity in entityNames:
elif len( entityNames ) > 0:
defaultEntity = entityNames[0]
defaultEntity = None
#set the default entity
if defaultEntity != None:
updatingUI = True
if defaultEntity.strip() != "":
WriteToLogBox( "Defaulting to entity: '%s'" % defaultEntity )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "EntityBox", defaultEntity )
updatingUI = False
return defaultEntity
#Make sure we set this to notify other threads that this failed
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( errorMessage ):
errorMessage = "An error occurred while attempting to collect Entity Names from Shotgun; see log for details."
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[0] ) )
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[1] ) )
WriteToLogBox( "---END ERROR INFO---" )
return None
def GetVersionsForEntity( entityName, defaultVersion=None ):
global errorMessage
global shotgunPath
global scriptDialog
global updatingUI
global sgProjectDict
global sgEntityDict
global statusMessage
global sgVersionDict
statusMessage = "fetching versions"
versionCodes = []
sgVersionDict = dict()
#fall back on currently selected value as a default
if defaultVersion == None:
defaultVersion = scriptDialog.GetValue( "VersionCombo" )
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( entityName ):
import ShotgunUtils
WriteToLogBox( "Getting Version list for entity '%s'... " % entityName, True )
versions = ShotgunUtils.GetVersions( sgEntityDict[entityName]['type'], sgEntityDict[entityName]['id'], shotgunPath )
WriteToLogBox( "done!" )
for version in versions :
versionCode = version['code']
#need a unique display name for each version, so append [#] if it's already in the dict
versionDisplayName = versionCode
index = 0
while versionDisplayName in sgVersionDict:
index += 1
versionDisplayName = "%s [%d]" % (versionCode, index)
versionCodes.append( versionDisplayName )
sgVersionDict[versionDisplayName] = version
if len(versionCodes) > 0 :
scriptDialog.SetItems( 'VersionCombo', Array[str](versionCodes) )
scriptDialog.SetValue( 'VersionCombo', versionCodes[0])
else :
scriptDialog.SetItems( 'VersionCombo', Array[str](['']) )
scriptDialog.SetValue( 'VersionCombo', '')
scriptDialog.SetItems( 'VersionCombo', Array[str]([]) )
#default to given version if available
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( defaultVersion ) and defaultVersion in versionCodes:
elif len( versionCodes ) > 0:
defaultVersion = versionCodes[0]
defaultVersion = None
#set the default version
if defaultVersion != None:
updatingUI = True
if defaultVersion.strip() != "":
WriteToLogBox( "Defaulting to version: '%s'" % defaultVersion )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "VersionCombo", defaultVersion )
updatingUI = False
return defaultVersion
#Make sure we set this to notify other threads that this failed
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( errorMessage ):
errorMessage = "An error occurred while attempting to collect Version Names from Shotgun; see log for details."
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[0] ) )
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[1] ) )
WriteToLogBox( "---END ERROR INFO---" )
return None
def GetVersionsForTask( taskName, defaultVersion=None ):
global errorMessage
global shotgunPath
global scriptDialog
global updatingUI
global sgTaskDict
global statusMessage
global sgVersionDict
statusMessage = "fetching versions"
versionCodes = []
sgVersionDict = dict()
#fall back on currently selected value as a default
if defaultVersion == None:
defaultVersion = scriptDialog.GetValue( "VersionCombo" )
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( taskName ):
import ShotgunUtils
WriteToLogBox( "Getting Version list for task '%s'... " % taskName, True )
versions = ShotgunUtils.GetVersions( sgTaskDict[taskName]['entity']['type'], sgTaskDict[taskName]['entity']['id'], shotgunPath )
WriteToLogBox( "done!" )
for version in versions :
versionCode = version['code']
#need a unique display name for each version, so append [#] if it's already in the dict
versionDisplayName = versionCode
index = 0
while versionDisplayName in sgVersionDict:
index += 1
versionDisplayName = "%s [%d]" % (versionCode, index)
versionCodes.append( versionDisplayName )
sgVersionDict[versionDisplayName] = version
if len(versionCodes) > 0 :
scriptDialog.SetItems( 'VersionCombo', Array[str](versionCodes) )
scriptDialog.SetValue( 'VersionCombo', versionCodes[0])
else :
scriptDialog.SetItems( 'VersionCombo', Array[str](['']) )
scriptDialog.SetValue( 'VersionCombo', '')
scriptDialog.SetItems( 'VersionCombo', Array[str]([]) )
#default to given version if available
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( defaultVersion ) and defaultVersion in versionCodes:
elif len( versionCodes ) > 0:
defaultVersion = versionCodes[0]
defaultVersion = None
#set the default version
if defaultVersion != None:
updatingUI = True
if defaultVersion.strip() != "":
WriteToLogBox( "Defaulting to version: '%s'" % defaultVersion )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "VersionCombo", defaultVersion )
updatingUI = False
return defaultVersion
#Make sure we set this to notify other threads that this failed
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( errorMessage ):
errorMessage = "An error occurred while attempting to collect Version Names from Shotgun; see log for details."
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[0] ) )
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[1] ) )
WriteToLogBox( "---END ERROR INFO---" )
return None
def ShotgunTaskChanged( *args ):
global scriptDialog
global sgTaskDict
global sgProjectDict
global updatingUI
global advancedMode
global versionSelectMode
global workerThread
global progressThread
taskName = ""
if len( scriptDialog.GetItems( "TaskBox" ) ) > 0:
taskName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "TaskBox" )
#If we're updating in code, DON'T start new threads
if versionSelectMode and not updatingUI:
#Start up the worker & progress threads
statusMessage = "connecting" # initial status message for progress bar
workerThread = Thread( ParameterizedThreadStart( GetVersionsForTask ) )
workerThread.IsBackground = True
progressThread = Thread( ThreadStart( LookBusy ) )
progressThread.IsBackground = True
workerThread.Start( taskName )
projectNames = [ ]
entityNames = [ ]
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( taskName ):
task = sgTaskDict[ taskName ]
if task['project'] != None and task['entity'] != None:
projectNames.append( task['project']['name'] )
entityNames.append( task['entity']['name'] )
projectNames.append( " " )
entityNames.append( " " )
if advancedMode:
for key in sgProjectDict.keys():
projectNames.append( key )
updatingUI = True
if advancedMode:
scriptDialog.SetItems( "ProjectBox", tuple( projectNames ) )
if len( projectNames ) > 0:
scriptDialog.SetValue( "ProjectBox", projectNames[ 0 ] )
if advancedMode:
scriptDialog.SetItems( "EntityBox", tuple( entityNames ) )
if len( entityNames ) > 0:
scriptDialog.SetValue( "EntityBox", entityNames[ 0 ] )
updatingUI = False
VersionTemplateChanged( None )
def ShotgunProjectChanged( *args ):
global scriptDialog
global updatingUI
global workerThread
global progressThread
#Make sure we don't chain events when we're updating values in code
if updatingUI:
if len( scriptDialog.GetItems( "ProjectBox" ) ) > 0:
projectName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "ProjectBox" )
#Start up the worker & progress threads
statusMessage = "connecting" # initial status message for progress bar
workerThread = Thread( ParameterizedThreadStart( GetEntitiesForProject ) )
workerThread.IsBackground = True
progressThread = Thread( ThreadStart( LookBusy ) )
progressThread.IsBackground = True
workerThread.Start( projectName )
VersionTemplateChanged( None )
def ShotgunVersionChanged( *args ):
global scriptDialog
global updatingUI
global sgVersionDict
if updatingUI:
description = ""
if len( scriptDialog.GetItems( "VersionCombo" ) ) > 0:
versionName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "VersionCombo" )
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( versionName ) and sgVersionDict.has_key( versionName ):
version = sgVersionDict[versionName]
if version.has_key( 'description' ):
description = version['description']
scriptDialog.SetValue( "DescriptionBox", description )
#Returns the template string with placeholder values swapped out (optionally replacing {jobid} with a dummy value)
def ApplyTemplate( templateString, dummyJobID=True ):
global sgTaskDict
global sgEntityDict
global currentUser
global advancedMode
#might not be logged in for whatever reason
if currentUser != None:
#could change this to actual user name if users prefer (instead of login)
userName = currentUser['login']
templateString = re.sub( '(?i)\$\{user\}', userName, templateString )
#might not be a task selected
displayTaskName = scriptDialog.GetValue("TaskBox")
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( displayTaskName ):
task = sgTaskDict[ displayTaskName ]
templateString = re.sub( '(?i)\$\{task\}', task['content'], templateString )
templateString = re.sub( '(?i)\$\{project\}', task['project']['name'], templateString )
templateString = re.sub( '(?i)\$\{shot\}', task['entity']['name'], templateString )
elif advancedMode:
#no task selected, check project/entity
projectName = scriptDialog.GetValue("ProjectBox")
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( projectName ):
templateString = re.sub( '(?i)\$\{project\}', projectName, templateString )
#might have to change this later if we want {shot} to ONLY pull shots (not whatever's selected in the entity box)
displayEntityName = scriptDialog.GetValue("EntityBox")
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( displayEntityName ):
entityName = sgEntityDict[ displayEntityName ]['code']
templateString = re.sub( '(?i)\$\{shot\}', entityName, templateString )
if dummyJobID:
templateString = re.sub( '(?i)\$\{jobid\}', '999_000_999_099a9aa9', templateString )
return templateString
def ShotgunEntityChanged( *args ):
global scriptDialog
global versionSelectMode
global workerThread
global progressThread
global updatingUI
#Make sure we don't chain events when we're updating values in code
if updatingUI:
taskName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "TaskBox" )
if versionSelectMode and IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( taskName ):
entityName = ""
if len( scriptDialog.GetItems( "EntityBox" ) ) > 0:
entityName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "EntityBox" )
#Start up the worker & progress threads
statusMessage = "connecting" # initial status message for progress bar
workerThread = Thread( ParameterizedThreadStart( GetVersionsForEntity ) )
workerThread.IsBackground = True
progressThread = Thread( ThreadStart( LookBusy ) )
progressThread.IsBackground = True
workerThread.Start( entityName )
VersionTemplateChanged( None )
def VersionTemplateChanged( *args ):
global scriptDialog
global versionSelectMode
if not versionSelectMode:
templateString = scriptDialog.GetValue( "TemplateBox" )
scriptDialog.SetValue( "PreviewBox", ApplyTemplate( templateString ) )
def LoginNameChanged( *args ):
def LoginButtonPressed( *args ):
global statusMessage
global workerThread
global progressThread
global scriptDialog
statusMessage = "connecting" # initial status message for progress bar
#ConnectToShotgun( scriptDialog.GetValue( "LoginBox" ) )
workerThread = Thread( ParameterizedThreadStart( ConnectToShotgun ) )
workerThread.IsBackground = True
progressThread = Thread( ThreadStart( LookBusy ) )
progressThread.IsBackground = True
workerThread.Start( scriptDialog.GetValue( "LoginBox" ) )
def NewEntityButton_Pressed(*args):
if len( args ) > 0:
button = args[0]
button.ContextMenu.Show( button, Point(0, 0) )
def NewSGItemBrowser( itemName, additionalArgs="" ):
global sgURL
global scriptDialog
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( sgURL ):
newEntityURL = sgURL + "new/" + itemName + "?show_nav=no"
projectName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "ProjectBox" )
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( projectName ):
newEntityURL += '&project=' + projectName
newEntityURL += additionalArgs
webbrowser.open( newEntityURL, 1, True )
def NewAssetMenuItem_Click(*args):
NewSGItemBrowser( “Asset” )
def NewElementMenuItem_Click(*args):
NewSGItemBrowser( “Element” )
def NewShotMenuItem_Click(*args):
NewSGItemBrowser( “Shot” )
def NewTaskMenuItem_Click(*args):
#TODO: Figure out how to default users. Probably using the default={…} argument (not like project)…
#if currentUser != None:
# NewSGItemBrowser( “Task”, “&task_assignees=” + currentUser.get( “name”, “” ) )
NewSGItemBrowser( “Task” )
#reads in the sticky settings file and stores the key-value pairs in a dictionary
def GetStickySettings( fileName ):
global stickySettings
WriteToLogBox( "Retrieving sticky settings... ", True )
settingsFile = open( fileName, "r" )
settingLines = settingsFile.readlines()
stickySettings = {}
for currLine in settingLines:
line = currLine.replace( "\n", "" ).replace( "\r", "" )
equalIndex = line.find( "=" )
if equalIndex >= 0:
if equalIndex < (len(line) - 1):
stickySettings[line[:equalIndex]] = line[equalIndex+1:]
stickySettings[line[:equalIndex]] = ""
WriteToLogBox( "done!" )
WriteToLogBox( "No sticky settings found." )
#Always try to close the file
def GetSettingsFilename():
global appName
return Path.Combine( GetDeadlineSettingsPath(), appName + "ShotgunSettings.ini" )
def CancelButtonPressed( *args ):
global scriptDialog
global workerThread
global progressThread
#Make sure to abort non-ui threads first, so that they don't keep running
if workerThread != None and workerThread.IsAlive:
if progressThread != None and progressThread.IsAlive:
def IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( someString ):
return someString == None or someString.strip() == “”
def OKButtonPressed( *args ):
global scriptDialog
global settings
global sgConfig
global sgEntityDict
global sgProjectDict
global sgTaskDict
global sgVersionDict
global advancedMode
global versionSelectMode
global currentUser
WriteToLogBox( "Validating selected values..." )
userName = ""
taskName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "TaskBox" )
projectName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "ProjectBox" )
entityName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "EntityBox" )
description = ApplyTemplate( scriptDialog.GetValue( "DescriptionBox" ), False )
if versionSelectMode:
versionName = scriptDialog.GetValue( "VersionCombo" )
versionName = ApplyTemplate( scriptDialog.GetValue( "TemplateBox" ), False )
draftTemplate = ""
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( taskName ):
draftTemplate = sgTaskDict[taskName].get( "draftTemplate", "" )
validationPassed = True
#Need to have a valid user logged in
if currentUser == None:
WriteToLogBox( "Validation failed on User Name" )
validationPassed = False
userName = currentUser.get( "login", None )
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( userName ):
WriteToLogBox( "Validation failed on User Name" )
validationPassed = False
#Need to either have Project & Entity, or Task specified
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( taskName ) and (IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( projectName ) or IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( entityName ) or not advancedMode):
WriteToLogBox( "Validation failed on Task or Project/Entity" )
validationPassed = False
#Need to specify a version name
if IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( versionName ):
WriteToLogBox( "Validation failed on Version Name" )
validationPassed = False
if not validationPassed:
validationMessage = ""
if versionSelectMode:
validationMessage = "You must complete this form in order to select an existing Shotgun Version for this job.\n\nPlease fill in any missing info before proceeding."
validationMessage = "You must complete this form in order to create a new Shotgun Version for this job.\n\nPlease fill in any missing info before proceeding."
scriptDialog.ShowMessageBox( validationMessage, "Shotgun Form Incomplete" )
WriteToLogBox( "Validating passed!" )
WriteToLogBox( "Building output... ", True )
ClientUtils.LogText( "VersionName=%s" % versionName )
ClientUtils.LogText( "Description=%s" % description )
ClientUtils.LogText( "UserName=%s" % userName )
if not IsNoneOrWhiteSpace( taskName ):
task = sgTaskDict[ taskName ]
ClientUtils.LogText( "TaskName=%s" % task['content'] )
ClientUtils.LogText( "ProjectName=%s" % task['project']['name'] )
ClientUtils.LogText( "EntityName=%s" % task['entity']['name'] )
ClientUtils.LogText( "TaskId=%s" % task['id'] )
ClientUtils.LogText( "ProjectId=%s" % task['project']['id'] )
ClientUtils.LogText( "EntityId=%s" % task['entity']['id'] )
ClientUtils.LogText( "EntityType=%s" % task['entity']['type'] )
project = sgProjectDict[ projectName ]
entity = sgEntityDict[ entityName ]
ClientUtils.LogText( "TaskName=None" )
ClientUtils.LogText( "ProjectName=%s" % projectName )
ClientUtils.LogText( "EntityName=%s" % entityName )
ClientUtils.LogText( "TaskId=-1" )
ClientUtils.LogText( "ProjectId=%s" % project['id'] )
ClientUtils.LogText( "EntityId=%s" % entity['id'] )
ClientUtils.LogText( "EntityType=%s" % entity['type'] )
if versionSelectMode:
version = sgVersionDict[ versionName ]
pathField = sgConfig.get('VersionEntityPathToFramesField', "")
firstFrameField = sgConfig.get('VersionEntityFirstFrameField', "")
lastFrameField = sgConfig.get('VersionEntityLastFrameField', "")
ClientUtils.LogText( "VersionId=%s" % version['id'] )
ClientUtils.LogText( "PathToFrames=%s" % version.get(pathField, "") )
ClientUtils.LogText( "FirstFrame=%s" % version.get(firstFrameField, "") )
ClientUtils.LogText( "LastFrame=%s" % version.get(lastFrameField, "") )
ClientUtils.LogText( "DraftTemplate=%s" % draftTemplate )
WriteToLogBox( "done!" )
#switch the contents of the login box to be the current user, so it gets stickied properly
scriptDialog.SetValue( "LoginBox", currentUser['login'] )
WriteToLogBox( "Saving sticky settings... ", True )
scriptDialog.SaveSettings( GetSettingsFilename(), settings )
WriteToLogBox( "done!" )
#if an error occurred while trying to close the dialog, this UI stuff might fail -- don't want it to generate another exception
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[0] ) )
WriteToLogBox( str( sys.exc_info()[1] ) )
WriteToLogBox( "---END ERROR INFO---" )
scriptDialog.ShowMessageBox( "An error occurred while preparing output; see log for details.", "ERROR!" )