Regardless of what is selected using Configure Event Plugin/Shotgun
for Thumbnail Frame value (the associated pull-down menu offers the four choices: None, First Frame, Middle Frame, Last Frame)
NONE of these settings will upload the thumbnail image to Shotgun as the version’s thumbnail. Strange the Slave’s output shows the thumbnail was indeed uploaded… But the Shotgun’s version Thumbnail remains to be unassigned or empty.
Here is the copied/pasted output from Slave node:
Checking job for Draft settings…
No Draft settings found.
ShotgunThumbnailUpload: C:\Users\theUser\Documents\maya\projects\fluid_render\images\nebula_v07.0001.iff (26)
0: INFO: Ending Maya Job
I just tested on my end with an .iff file, and it did upload, but Shotgun was unable to display the image (a big question mark is displayed instead).
This is a limitation of Shotgun, and is likely due to the proprietary nature of Maya’s .iff format (it also can’t display .exr’s).
Could you try switching to a different format for your render, at least to test? If the thumbnail upload still doesn’t work with other formats such as .png and .jpg, then there is likely also an issue on our end as well.
For the Thumbnail upload, we’re just uploading one of the output frames directly to Shotgun; we’re not going through Draft at all. Plus, I don’t believe Draft can read .iff’s either (though I guess we could at least do .exr’s)… I’ll check on this.
the thumbnails definately need to be created by draft (png or jpg in a fixed resolution) as i don´t want 20MB (or larger) EXR´s frames being uploaded as thumbnails to shutgun…(i am sure it would also not work).
i was always wondering how the thumbs where being generated as draft (or better: the draft templates) is still quite tricky to setup.
OpenEXR doesn´t work with shotgun, this makes it extremely neccessary to use draft to generate the thumbnails if you ask me…(who is not using EXRs these days…?). Especially people who use shotgun are definately in the need to have a EXR-> thumbnail workflow…am i wrong?