I would like to script a show centric priority boost.
Script should provide a simple list of shows running in the studio, with ability to add priority to some.
The idea is to parse SceneFile or OutputDirectory0 of each job to get a “show name” when submitted. Compare the list of prioritized jobs, and add Priority to each selected by production.
What do you think is the best way to implement it? As an Event plugin with OnJobSubmittedCallback? Or maybe as Monitor Script (any examples?).
It would be OK to make the GUI as a separate script that provides a text file with show priorities.
Both approaches are doable, it depends on how you want your pipeline to work. Is this supposed to be a render wrangler tool with a GUI where you manually filter and apply priority increases? Then the Monitor Script approach would be right. Or should it be fully automatic, driven by a control file containing patterns to match, and priorities to assign? Then an Event Plugin would make more sense.
15 years ago the 3dsMax submitter (SMTD) had this built in at submission time. We still ship the scripts for it, but it is commented out of the UI. It used to do pattern matching on the job name which usually came from the scene name. So that’s a third approach, but it is less general as it only applied to one plugin, but was automated like the Event Plugin idea…
Also note that the UI approach is halfway there if the name of the job or any extra info field could be used to filter by project. You could just type in the project name in the quick search or set a filter on the Jobs panel, then select all jobs, right-click and use the Priority Offset script to either set or shift their priority.
So if you want a Monitor Script, you could basically copy the Priority Offset script (found under /scripts/Jobs/PriorityOffset.py ) as a new script, and modify it to filter all jobs by some custom rule as you described. The part that sets the priority is already in, and the whole thing is only 3K including the UI