Shutdown Machine + Slave and Pulse as service

Hello support,
I have 5 Windows render servers (win2003 server) with Dedline v3.1, on each is running dedlinelauncher + deadlineslave as service, on one of them pulse as service too)
There is no user logged on this machine.

1/ When I try shutdown machine (Power Management or Manualy: Remote control - Shotdown machine), only Slave is closed (shutdowned), but machine stay running.
2/ When I log into desktop as render user or os admin and initiate shutdown (Power Management or Manualy: Remote control - Shotdown machine), machine is correctly shotdowned and after sending Magic packet is correctly Powering Up.

It seems, that shutdown works only, when some user is logged into machine (I tried via VNC).
If slave is running as service under renderuser, but no user is logged on machine, shutdown (and PowerManagement) dont work corectly.


David Krames
Czech TV

Hi David,

We’ve confirmed that this problem exists, and we’re currently looking for a possible solution. The problem seems to be that Windows doesn’t respond to standard shutdown commands when it isn’t logged in, so we need to find another way to do this. We’ll report back if we find something.


  • Ryan

Just an FYI that we found a way to workaround this problem. The fix will be included in the upcoming 3.1 service pack release, which should be out around the end of May. Thanks for finding this bug!


  • Ryan