SideFX Karma UBL Licenses


Please add an option to use Karma licenses with UBL. Having to use Houdini Engine licenses for that makes rendering on AWS unfeasible.


This sound like a feature request to add Karma UBL, I would raise it internally and track the request.
Everyone looking for this feature, feel free to +1 on the thread and I can add that to the internal request.


Thanks for the info. I’ve raised a ticket (109543). Hopefully soon well be able to render using just Karma licenses.

Thanks @Guilherme for raising the ticket with the Support Team.


Hello +1 interest for Karma UBL from my side.

An ETA for that would be highly appreciated!

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@michau88 I have +1’ed on the internal ticket we have on Karma UBL. Unfortunately, we do not have an ETA on this as of now.

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Hello, I’m interested too +1


This would be incredibly useful

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Hello, it sounds good, +1!

Hello any update on this? +1

Hi there. Just curious if there are any updates on this?

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+X also getting requests for this, given this thread is quite old now is it better to request via support ticket @karpreet ?

Deadline Cloud’s UBL has Karma support, and this post - AWS Deadline Cloud UBL for Deadline 10 on AWS - shows how you can set it up to work with your Deadline 10 machines running in EC2.

I can’t say anything about where on the roadmap for Deadline 10’s UBL Karma support is however.

Is that because Deadline is now a dead product?

Is Deadline Cloud still limited to specific versions of Houdini?

I still can’t say anything about the roadmap, if Deadline is getting shuttered we’ll say so!

For licenses as far as I know we’re good for any version - unless you’re talking about the adapter? I know that calls out support for 19.5 but I’ve managed to get 20.5 working with some tweaks. The issues on that project are the best spot to put questions or issues with the adapter if you’ve got any.

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ok thanks,

I was referring to Houdini only having support for 19.5 on DeadlineCloud, much like Original™ Deadline.

I don’t see how jobs are submit via DeadlineCloud to Karma, does Houdini submit a hython-karma job or Husk job? (and if so please update the Husk thread…). Or is OpenJD the new magic tool that takes care of any job in any way possible?

If Karma UBL is available to DeadlineCloud, where do I buy my Karma UBL licenses? I don’t see them on Thinkbox Marketplace?

Is there a forum or similar for DeadlineCloud or are all Q&A’s done via github?

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Fair! For what it’s worth, I know the little ‘feedback’ button cuts tickets for us and we’d love to hear what you’ve got to say. :slight_smile:

The Houdini submitter creates an OpenJD job bundle that the Deadline Cloud Worker uses to run the render. OJD is open-source, so job bundles created by our submitter can be run on anything that supports interpreting them. So yeah, one day I’m hoping that anything that can fit into an OpenJD job template can run on Deadline Cloud.

OJD’s spec and a python implementation of it are here if you’re interested.

I haven’t run a Karma workflow through the Houdini adapter, but I do see code to handle Karma nodes and Husk outputs so it should work. The adapter is still version 0.7 so I’m using ‘should’ instead of ‘will’ in that sentence. But please, put any issues into the issues on that github page - the owners of the adapter do watch that list.

With Deadline Cloud’s UBL you don’t buy licenses ahead of time. Instead of buying license minutes like gasoline (ahead of time) your buy it like electricity (after you’ve used it). What you’re doing is setting up a VPC endpoint that acts like a license server in the VPC. No marketplace required, all the billing shows up in the AWS cost explorer like any other service.

There isn’t a standard answer for that at the moment - there isn’t another forum, and the github pages are watched by the people that make the adapters so it can’t hurt.

I wish I had a sample Karma job bundle as a nice punctuation mark for you here! But there’s nothing in the sample repo for Karma yet.

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Thanks for the updates Justin_B.
So, from what I’m reading, only machines on AWS will be able to utilize the DeadlineCloud UBL license endpoints? I don’t see any configuration guide for adding the endpoints to Deadline 10.
I hope this isn’t the case, otherwise, oomph, that’s some nasty vendor lock-in.
AWS EC2 wasn’t reliable for availability or performance, so I’ve moved over to another cloud provider, but I am still using the Original™ Deadline UBL method like anthonygelatka. This has held me back from using Karma for production purposes.
Furthermore, I don’t see Redshift on the list supported by DeadlineCloud UBL.
I’ll be happy if I’m misunderstanding this.

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Yep, that’s exactly the case, the endpoints are only available by way of an AWS VPC.

Also correct, we’re not at parity with the offerings from the Marketplace.

Be a lot easier to stay in Deadline and use UBL, is there a reason Karma is only available via VPC and Redshift is only available as UBL?

Is this an issue with vendors SideFX & Maxon getting agreements going? Is there a plan to get access for both VPC & UBL or is this a way to force users away from Deadline and onto DeadlineCloud?

Is there a page like the market place which shows which VPC licenses are available?

I guess the alternative is to rent Karma rather than UBL