Since we are Discussing 2.0, will you please fix PRT Fume

I have been asking about this for years now, I plead for you to fix it or at least build a workaround for Save to Sequence. What is even more silly is it will RENDER without issue! I just can’t Save to Seq.

The scenario
A rapid burst of fuel which is quickly burnt. This leaves the grid without fuel while smoke dissipates, and errors out.

Try this:

  1. Create a simple pflow system that emulates a quick blast, born particles a few frames then delete.
    a. The particles die quickly, max 6 frames
    b.Fuel is burnt rapidly 50+
    c. smoke dissipates over time.
  2. Create a grid, create particle source, add the pflow system.
  3. Simulate
  4. Create a PRT FumeFX, add the Fume
  5. Switch to Krakatoa and attempt to save the sequence.
  6. Krakatoa will not save to sequence because the prerequisite channels are not available :frowning:

I am not sure if it changed in 1.6.8 but it will work if you start the the save to sequence at the first frame fuel/smoke is born. Why can’t it be possible to say ok there is fume in the scene and it is valid okay to process?

I was just doing a sanity check, making sure I am still partially sane.

This seems to cause an issue with the Krakatmos too.
Right now max is sitting in an open 00% CPU hang, stuck at Updating Atmospherics in the Rendering Process dialog.

Reported here:

THANK YOU DARCY!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :ugeek: